Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday Whinging

I really am not going to whinge---that is the Aussie word for complain and moan...there is a lot of that but not me!!! My tummy is filled with a yummy Chinese meal from Benny's and we are watching some movie on the movie channel with John Travolta and Dustin Hoffman so life is good!!!

I have managed to get some stuff done the past couple of days--mainly getting things lined up for the move into the house like getting the utilities put in our names. I had a fairly interesting time with the electric company because their automated voice thing could not understand would ask why i was calling and I would say "to establish service" and then the little voice would say "i am sorry we did not understand your request. Could you please rephrase it in a different way?". I ended up hanging up twice and thinking about what to say!!! I finally did get through to the right place, got a live person and things went better then but we will see what our name ends up being once we get the first bill!!! Funny thing is that they ask for a deposit but then they just bill you for it....that makes no sense to me! I think I did manage to get things set up and hopefully we will be okay --there really was not that much to do and we have not decided on tv cable stuff yet so that will come later but thank goodness I can do that online and not have to talk to anyone!! I know that sounds weird but it is easier to not have to be understood. Now I don't think I sound funny but I guess I do!!

I have been very good about walking every morning--this morning i got back and hopped in the shower and heard this noise.....the cyclone alarm was going off. So i hopped out, toweled off and then the announcement came that the testing was over....I guess I missed the whole announcement that they were testing the system. We now know it works. Not a very nice shower today!

Looks like Chris is going to the Cowboys game on Saturday (AFL--Australian Football League) with the CSR group from the Herbert region. He said I could go but if I am the only woman I am going to pass on that experience and let him bond with his "guys". I told him I was fine with that and didn't want him to feel like he had to drag me along. I am sure we will have more chances to go as CSR has a box there. I am sure he will have a lot of stories to tell afterwards!! We have watched it on TV but I certainly do not understand it at all!

Was able to talk to some family and friends the past couple of days which has helped a lot with the homesickness. I must say that there are certain things that I will miss---family and friends being the top of the list---but being able to write and call and email makes things much easier! This would have been a zillion times harder 20 years ago!

So not much exciting to report today but life is good and we are continuing to enjoy our Aussie life!!!

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