Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm Moving ..........

My blog, that is....Aaron has been telling me that I need to use WordPress for my blog and that it is much easier and better to use and I am gonna do it.  Gonna take the plunge!!!  Tonight it is happening!!!   It may take awhile for me to figure it out and get it all purtied up but this is going to be my new spot so from now on feel free to check me out at:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Me and My Pal, Sal!!!!!

And this is what I absolutely love........when you haven't seen someone for 12 years or more and you sit down and it is like you never left, never moved, never had any time when you weren't seeing each other almost every day and sharing your lives. That is what friendship is and I am so blessed with lots of those type of friends and today I got to see my friend, Sally, from Monaca, PA.   It was AWESOME!!!   I miss her!!!   God is so good!!!   I am so blessed! It was so good to catch up and find out what all is going on with her and the family and to just be together giggling about things again, bursting into song, sharing those jokes from years ago and remembering how cute Aaron and Junnae were going to library story hour with the "glue lady", Micah playing Santa Claus in the school play, having Nick rescue me when the garage door fell back down after I started backing out and got the roof racks of the van caught on it when of course Chris was out of town, swimming in their pool and just generally having fun remembering all the great times we had.   My life is so full and my heart is fuller!!!   Awesome day!

Drove past our old house in Center township and it brought back more memories----Aaron learning to ride his bike in the back, Micah learning to ride after his horrible wreck which derailed him from wanting to learn for awhile, the wasps that always were in the front in the rhododendron bushes, the huge piles of leaves we had to rake, the lattice work on the porch and deck that we took down, work weekends with the siblings and cousins peeling wallpaper, redoing walls, etc.   Seems like forever ago but then it was since we moved from there 16 years ago and have not been back since.  A lot has happened in those years!!!

So as I go to sleep tonight I am grateful for the memories, for friendship that endures miles and years and growing older and for the life that I have !!! 
Steven Curtis Chapman

Wrapping up the conference!
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Over the Top!

Marilyn Meberg
Sandi Patty
Anita Renfroe
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Patsy Clairmont
Andy Andrews
Worship Team
Lisa Whelchel
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"Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagent generosity of God....?"

1. Nationwide Arena
2. Paula and I (I have a HUGE head in this picture!!)
3. The theme of Women of Faith this year!
4. Gift in the hotel....sleeping mask, linen spray and ear plugs....hmmmmmm

We had a fabulous time in Columbus at the 2010 Women of Faith event.  Been a few years since I went but I was not disappointed.  Fabulous speakers, unbelievable music and thousands (maybe 15,000???) of women all together in one place for a weekend of fun, fellowship and worship.  Awesome!  I needed this--been awhile since my heart has been touched as deeply as it was at this event. And to be able to go with my sister made it even better!   

Speakers/performers this year included Marilyn Meberg, Patsy Clairmont, Andy Andrews, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, Nicole Johnson, Mandisa, Sandi Patty, Anita Renfroe , Lisa Whelchel and Rich Stearns (president of World Vision).   Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!  And of course the worship team was incredible.   

Will post a few pics of the participants and maybe write a little later about my reactions to some of their stories!!!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's Here!!!!!!!

"The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down!"
Quote by Pablo Picasso

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Questions

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
Sebring, Ohio on my mom's couch
2. Who are you in love with?
My husband, Chris
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
I think I may have licked one once...
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yes--lots of pink roses
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
hmmmm.....last Wednesday---almost a week!
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
green footie things
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
yep, but barely
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I drove over 700 miles on Friday to get to Ohio ...still here.
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Nope but going tonight!
10. Are you hot?
Just right....oh wait..are they talking about appearance??? Definitely not..
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
iced tea
12. What are you wearing right now?
jeans and a yellow top
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
car wash
14. Last food that you ate?
15. Where were you last week at this time?
running errands in Mason City
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
yep--a couple dresses for graduation/wedding
17. When is the last time you ran?
I don't recall what that is...
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Watched a movie about horse racing...does that count?
19. What is your favorite animal?
20. Your dream vacation?
Beach, cold drink, book, hubby, sun, sand....
21. Last person's house you were in?
My mom's
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
23. Have you been in love?
Of course! Still am!
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
Chris and my boys
25. Last play you saw?
Can't rightly remember---oh wait---a play at church about Ezekiel and the Dry Bones
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Warm fuzzies and chocolate chip cookies
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Movie after dinner
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
Don't Myspace
29. Next trip you are going to take?
Going to see my sissy day after tomorrow!
30. Ever go to camp?
Church camp! Even was a counselor!
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
32. What do you want to know about the future?
Nothing really comes to mind
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Bath and Body Works Orange Sapphire
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
Unfortunately, yes.
35. Where is your best friend?
North Carolina
36. How is your best friend?
Hopefully good! Last time I talked to her she was fine!
37. Do you have a tan?
Fake out of the bottle tan on my legs and arms. The sun is just now coming out in Iowa...
38. What are you listening to right now?
My mom in the kitchen making dinner...
39. Do you collect anything?
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Don't want to name any names here...
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
Bout 5 years ago in front of the church where I worked! Yikes!
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
43. What does your last text message say?
from Aaron "I'll make you an ecard".
44. Do you like hot sauce?
45. Last time you took a shower?
This morning
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Not yet
47. What is your heritage?
Mish mash
48. Are you someone's best friend?
I certainly hope I am !!!
49. Are you rich?
Depends on your definition of rich---I am certainly blessed in many departments. Don't want for anything and am rich in all the things that matter.
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
reading a Patricia Cornwell book

Beauty in Ohio

Thought I would share a few pics from my mom's front yard here in Sebring, Ohio. (There you go, Wayne---my location!) . The dogwood tree is not as pretty as it once was but it is still pretty spectacular and worth photographing! Using my new Lumix camera (thank you, Chris!) and happy with the way it takes pictures at this point. Had a great time in Lima with the Chiles side of the family and now it is the Brown side visit! I am so happy that I am able to do this at this point in my life----I am definitely blessed with the freedom and ability to do pretty much what I want to do . Will look for more photo ops this week!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Living in La La Land

I admit it...I live in LaLa Land and usually it is a pretty nice place to live.   Little stress and few commitments that tie me down.  I am pretty much able to come and go as I please.  I live a simple life now---no soccer or football games to go to.  No music lessons or church youth group events to shuttle kids to and from.  I answer only to the demands of my husband ...really.....that does not exist.  So....I continue my life along on a merry path of doing pretty much what I please and enjoying the low stress of empty nestedness.   Until 2:30 am this morning.

Sound asleep in my bed.  Hubby on the road.   HUGE loud crashing sound rocks my gentle slumber.  I bolt upright in bed.  Heart pounding (so much for that great blood pressure reading last week---it was racing!!!!) , I get out of bed, look outside in the neighborhood which is quietly slumbering.  Nothing looks out of the ordinary so it must have been in the   house.   I grab my glasses and start going room to room----opening closet doors cautiously....nothing.   To the kitchen.....nothing.   I was too scared to go in the basement so I decided to table that until the morning.  Now there isn't anything scary in the basement but I just did not feel like going down there at 2:30 am alone.   Silly, I know.   So I crawled back into bed imagining worse case scenarios.....the entire basement walls caved in....or maybe the floor buckled and I would be greeted in the morning by concrete boulders which I would have to deal with.   My mind ran rampant.  Sleep did not come.  Sigh.

6 am arrives, coffee is brewing so I gather my courage and walk to the kitchen to get fortified before venturing into the vast unknown called the basement.   As I walk through the living room I spy it......the picture of Acadia Morning ("Cotton" Ketchie) lies on the floor....shards of glass and broken mantel items strewn everywhere.   Now how I walked by that and did not see it I will never understand!   Picture seems to be okay underneath the broken glass so I think I can salvage this favorite but I have massive cleanup to do (with shoes on, I might add).   

Reminded me of a time in North Carolina when I heard a huge sound of glass breaking.  Went outside to check the windows for the window that the golf ball had broken and found nothing.  Walked back inside, walked back outside to check again and only then did I see the glass patio table that was obliterated by the errant golf ball.   I guess I was living in La La Land years ago also!  Some things never change!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Carlton!

Today is my brother in law's birthday!!! Happy Birthday to him!!! Carl has been such a source of joy and happiness for our family and we are happy to celebrate his special day today!!! Hard to believe that he is now 41 (can that be right???) when the first time I met him he was only 9 years old!!! Carl gives great hugs, tolerates our teasing and loves Lee's Chicken!!! And probably the thing he loves most----working at Sam's Club where he is a valued, faithful and dedicated employee who takes his job seriously each time he works. We should all be as dedicated as he is! So here's to you--Carl--happy birthday to a special guy who makes the world a better place by being in it!!!
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Monday, April 19, 2010

More Cardmaking Underway

Chris is off to Canada again and I got out all my mess to finish up these cards I want to send out before I leave for Ohio.  It is ridiculous what a mess I make when I do this but at least it is all contained to one room!    I try to start out to just have a few things out but by the end of the day I have every single pair of scissors, every sticker, every paper scrap, every ribbon, cutter, glue stick, glue dot, 3D adhesives, brads, etc, out in a very unorganized disarray.  I guess that is the price for creativity!   But it is a fun thing to do and a good project to throw myself into.I decided to make mostly kind of generic Thinking of You cards along with some birthday ones as they can be used for just about any occasion and I don't have any set deadline to send them .   I can't wait to get my first box shipped off to!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Just give me Internet at a hotel

Occasionally I run across something that echos my sentiments. This writer from Mason City has similar requirements ---just like me---what she looks for in a hotel has changed over the years. Since we have stayed in some pretty fancy schmancy hotels over the past couple of years I have discovered that I have definite likes and dislikes and yes, I guess--expectations. I do love to have nice sheets ( and yes---I DO want both a top and bottom sheet) and the turn down service with chocolates on the pillows is very nice. But give me an in room coffee maker and I am as happy as a clam on a warm summer's day. Or something like that. One place we stayed recently even provided microwave popcorn which I thought was a nice addition. The one thing that is not negotiable anymore is internet service. Gotta have it. Wireless is best and most of the chain hotels in the US offer it in rooms for free. The hoity toity places charge for it. Now to me that is just wrong. How can you justify charging your guests for internet service when you are already charging them an arm and a leg for a room?? Come on now folks---give a little bit. I will be hunting a hotel this week as I trek to Ohio and you can bet that will be what I look for ---gotta stay connected at all times so give me the list of free internet places and I will be happy.  The article below is a pretty accurate description of me also!!! Thanks, Valerie!!!

Just give me Internet at a hotel

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pet Peeve--Warning--Rant Ahead

Bottle of 120 Target brand Claritin type pills (Bananas provided for perspective)
Looking in the bottle you can tell it is filled up about 1/8th of the way --if that!
The complete bottle of pills in the smallest of my set (can't remember what the heck you call them)
One pill next to the bananas.....
Well, it is one of those things that just drives me nuts!  Packaging that just does not fit the product.   I am fighting the allergies here and trying to find the perfect product that helps without making me totally worthless during the day because I am so sleepy.  I thought I would try the "cheap"version and went for the large bottle because it was so much cheaper.  Got it home, opened it up, took out the humongous wad of cotton (that should have been a clue) and found a teeeeeeny tinnny amount of pills.  Now I don't mind that the pills are small---small is great for me since I am not a great pill taker. But why, oh why must they package them in this huge pill container when one an 1/8th of the size would do.  I have SEEN smaller containers.  Or even put them in a blister pack.  Something!!!  It drives me nuts.
I know that you count on me to keep you apprised of all the trends and happenings out there so here is my contribution for the day----don't be deceived.  Packaging does not necessarily indicate what is actually inside the package!!!  You have now been warned.
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Friday Friday Friday!

I have been quiet on the blog this week.....just haven't really felt like blogging I guess but it has been a good, full week here in Mason City.   Been trying to get some cards made to send to Operation Write Home (only got about 25 made before I had to pack them up to show the house and haven't gotten it all back out yet), helped a woman connected with the church pack up some of her apt. for a move and attended one day of training for Hospice.   That was a good day!   I am such a believer in Hospice and what they do and have wanted to take the training forever and ever but it never worked out until now.  I am not going to be able to take the final day of training for the intake unit and bereavement because I will be in Ohio but at least I can do most of the training and find a place to volunteer.   The hardest part will be finding someplace in Ohio while I am traveling to get my TB test checked since I have to have one done next week also and have to have it checked 2-3 days after it is done.   I may have to be creative on that one!   

The weather here has been nice---sporadic rain showers and storms but when the sun has been out it has been beautiful.  Unlike all the weird stuff going on elsewhere in the world with the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  We are very glad that our trip to Europe is over or else we would most likely be stranded there with air travel being restricted due to the clouds of volcanic ash floating around.  Yikes!  

Looking forward to a nice weekend with Chris--may head to St Paul to explore a bit, may just hang out, who knows???   It is good to have him back home and I have a lot to do to get ready for my trip to Ohio at the end of next week.  Should be awesome!!!   Family time!!! 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Embrace Life

I am sure many of you have seen this short video on Facebook and YouTube but I think it bears reposting.  One gift my parents gave me was to ALWAYS wear a seatbelt. There were never any questions about it---it was just what we did.  Same with our boys----not negotiable--just do it.   Saves lives and is the right thing to do. This video is short but to the point of why we do it!

A blog worth reading!

Even if you'll never see them grow, keep planting seeds -

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Much is Too Much?

Last night my dear husband took me out to dinner because I had worked so hard all week.  NOT!   Actually we had been itching to get back to the new restaurant in town and it was a great chance to do that!   The Italian Garden has opened up very close to us and the last time we were there together was after it had only been opened a couple of weeks.   They were a little chaotic and slow in the service department that night but you know--you gotta bear with that sometimes. The food was delish and that is all that matters to me.  Well, last night the service was great and the food was fabulous.  I had the Penne Bolognaise and it did not disappoint.  I am all about my food, ya'll!!!   But something caught my eye.....

We were seated toward the back of the restaurant and I could not help to notice a table of women sitting farther back. The restaurant does not have a liquor license yet but you can bring your own---I guess when you think Italian you automatically think wine!   Well, this table of ladies had wine.  From what I could see they had 8 bottles.  At first there were 3 ladies and I was a tad worried.  By the end of our meal there were 6 women so I guess that evened it out a bit but it sure struck me because I was sitting there judging (yep--I sure was).   As I thought about it I decided that it really was not my business at all.   As long as they did not drink and drive and endanger me or someone else why should I care?   But it kind of hit a chord with me on the level that if I was sitting there thinking about it---what do others think when they see me out someplace???  I don't always behave in a great manner if I think about it.  Hmmm.....and I am not talking about alcohol consumption (that really isn't my issue) but maybe just the way I might treat others or maybe I am loud when I shouldn't be or whatever.   Kind of made me think that I needed to take that log out of my own eye.  What made me think I could pass judgment on a group of ladies who were probably just catching up and enjoying each others company??? Good life lesson for me. 

And if you are in the area and looking for a great place to eat reasonably I have to give a shout out to the place which has become my favorite here----

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Are YOU a Sam's Club Member?? Please vote for KIva!

Kiva - Kiva Blog

Building a shoe business step by step - TODAY Technology & Money

Building a shoe business step by step - TODAY Technology & Money

Celebrate A Day Without Shoes

Today is the day!!!  Go shoeless in support of all of the thousands of children and adults for whom shoes are a luxury and not a part of daily life.  As I look in my closet at my own "collection" of shoes I realize that it is extravagant to have that many pairs of shoes when there are those who have none whatsoever!   So today, in support of those people, I will go shoeless.  When I go to a meeting tonight I may put on my pair of TOMS but otherwise I will be shoeless which is easy when you are staying at home and not in the work force!  But it will be a small statement none the less.   It is cold here today so the trip to the mailbox, etc. will be a bit chilly.   Very small sacrifice to make.  

I cannot help but think of my friends Teresa and Maggie who went on a mission trip to Mexico a couple months ago specifically to put shoes on children there.  Their experience was incredible, I am sure, and humbling.   What they did is a true example of servanthood---washing the feet of others and making sure that the perfect pair of shoes was put on those precious feet. What a gift they gave those children.   

So as you go about your day today please think about those who have no shoes, slip off your own and make a statement.   Go to TOMS for more information. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Funny old-school vintage advertisements theCHIVE

Hopefully we have come a long way since some of these ads---I think some of them will make you laugh and some are so ridiculous you won't believe them!!! Enjoy!!!

Funny old-school vintage advertisements theCHIVE

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Standing Cat Looks Strikingly Similar To A Person (VIDEO)

This one is for my father in law who likes cat videos!!!!

Standing Cat Looks Strikingly Similar To A Person (VIDEO)

What Can I Do?

Most of you know that I have a tender heart---sometimes it is my downfall.   I have done probably a zillion spiritual gifts inventories and it always comes back with the result that compassion and empathy are my biggest gifts. I have been blessed with it, sometimes cursed by it when my empathy can not "fix" things but it is always there.   Last night we were watching some episodes of "Undercover Boss" that we had dvr'ed and yep--you guessed it---I was in tears over some of the stories.  I mean really---who cries at "Undercover Boss"????   I blame it on hormones and the upcoming 50th birthday.  

But what has gotten me really going this morning is the mining accident in West Virginia.   My heart is breaking for these people.  In one quick moment lives are lost and other lives are changed forever.   I think when something like this happens when it is so sudden and unexpected it can not be understood....those men had families.  One was 5 weeks out from retirement with a cruise with family planned at the end of May.  What do they do now??   

I keep thinking that I wish I could do something.   I know I can pray.  I will always do that.  But somehow when things like this happen I just want to do more though I don't know these people at all---it just seems like my heart is leading me to DO something tangible.  Make a casserole.   Stay at someone's house while they make arrangements.   I don't know.  It makes me feel sad that I can can't do more.   I am not downplaying the prayer thing----that is the best any of us can do for someone and I always count it a privilege when someone asks me to pray for them but the heart wants to do more.   Maybe by blogging about this and asking others to pray that will help ease my heart.  I hope so.  Because my heart is really hurting today.

Monday, April 5, 2010

YouTube - Journal Messages Lift Soldiers' Spirits

YouTube - Journal Messages Lift Soldiers' Spirits

I want to get on one of this flight attendant's Delta flights!!! Great idea and quite a blessing to those on the receiving end!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


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More of Austin

Our hotel
The Capitol Building in Austin

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A Tribute to Home Slice

Chris and Micah at Home Slice
Our massive pizza
You gotta love a restaurant that gives you Smarties with your bill!

Possibly my favorite place in Austin--so hard to choose just one favorite!  Met Micah today after he got his accelerator challenged Camry fixed and we hit Home Slice for some delicious food!  We ended up each only having one slice of this delicious pie as we had ordered antipasto and some garlic knots and then the pizza came and it was HUGE and awesome and most possibly the best pizza I have had.   So here is to Home Slice---you are loved by me!!!   Check it out if you are ever in Austin and check it out even if you aren't! 
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