2. Don't think you can read the sign clearly but it says "Pool closed for Winter.
Reopens September 1st."
3. Thank goodness I have a smart husband ---hotel we stayed in this weekend had the thing by the door where you put your key to activate all the power in the room. I couldn't figure it out!!!
4. Beautiful shot coming home from Ayr yesterday---I was NOT driving at the time!!!
I promised some pictures and this is about all I can come up with today---it was a full and busy couple of days but we had a nice weekend and are back up in Saunders Beach for the week. Saturday proved to be another day of shopping and getting things "organized" which is the favorite word here. Our lounge (living room) furniture is supposed to be in in 2 weeks so we are giving them the chance though we do have something else picked out just in case. We spent Sunday driving down to Mackay which is close to one of the mills in Sarina (I spelled that wrong before--ooops!). I drove a good part of the way---the highway driving is not bad but I am still a little nervous in the city driving with the roundabouts. It isn't that difficult and I keep thinking that good grief---I have driven in Pittsburgh and Chicago so I certainly should be able to do this driving here!!! Chris has been a great teacher and patient and it reminds me of when he was teaching me to drive a manual !
We stayed at a nice resort for the night---got in and were totally exhausted so we took naps and then met some folks for dinner there at the restaurant at the hotel. It ended up being 3 other couples and another guy whose wife is in Townsville with the family and we had a great time. Of course what I have learned is that nothing moves very quickly when it comes to eating out here----4 hours later we were done. But it was a very enjoyable evening. I had already met several of them so that was nice to see them again. I really like a lot of these wives---they make it very easy to feel a part of the group and even though we are a little bit different to them I am sure they don't make me feel that way! We talked a lot about the Olympics and how well Australia was doing,etc.
Chris went to the mill in the morning and I just sat around reading and watching tv while he was gone. he picked me up around noon and we headed out but had to stop at McDonalds for something quick to eat before we got too far down the road as neither one of us had eated breakfast. I got more driving practice and he had a lot of phone calls so it was good that I could do some of the driving., It is a long trip to make in 2 days so I doubt we will do that again. If he wants me to go along we will stretch it out a bit and do some vacationing and if not he will just fly. Much easier!!!
We stopped in Ayr on the way through and managed to order a futon/couch, a dining room table and chairs and a bed for the house in the Burdekin that we will be in part time. I think it will make it MUCH easier for him if we can stay there 1 or 2 nights a week---he can go to the mills down there and do what he needs to do and not have to drive so far on those days. And I found that Ayr has a lot of neat shops and a nice downtown so that may be where I feel that I can get plugged into doing something worthwhile. He can use a mill vehicle while he is there so I can use the car if I want and go to the beach or shopping or whatever. It is very weird to think about having 2 places and this one will be very sparsely furnished but it is what we are going to do for awhile a least. the sales lady at the furniture store was really nice and the store was cram packed with stuff so I imagine we will try to buy some more things there over time. And it was no "drama" ---just paid and it will all be delivered next week!!! Not the story we have had up here in Townsville that is for sure!!!
A little bit ago the phone guy came --told me that we already had a number though no one has bothered to call to tell us that---and he gave me a phone (which I am sure will show up at some exhorbinant price on our bill) and is putting in the work order for the DSL which is the only reason we are getting the phone line. The whole phone thing here is ridiculously expensive---even the landline calls cost each time you make a call along with the monthly charge!!! It will be interesting to see how this all plays out and what our bills will actually be!!!
I am also waiting for a delivery of a fridge today---we decided that we really did need to upgrade from the one that Rod has here and this one will be a basic FROST FREE one!!! The one here has about 4 inches of ice in the little freezer compartment....and will be cleaner than I can get this one!! I am not "whinging" --just stating a fact! Some things i feel I need to have updated----and I am not sure how well this one really keeps things cold so I don't want to take any chances!
Wow---sorry----I have gone on and on, haven't I??? I guess that is what happens when I have taken a couple of days off from blogging!!! You have to wade through it all!
We really are having the time of our lives----Aaron (and Thom) come this weekend, Micah is in Colorado Springs for a meeting and then off to Flint, Michigan to cover a terrritory for a week or so ---so that is what is going on with us!!! Oh -new poll on the blog today too!!! don't forget to vote!!!
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