I know you are wondering what these pictures are....aren't you? Well it is a slow picture taking day obviously when I post pictures of going through a car wash!!! The car was filthy and we finally broke down and went to a car wash and cleaned and vacuumed all the sand and grit out and it looks MUCH better!!! We just had not taken time to do it before now.
We got up this morning and ate breakfast downstairs before heading out for one more round of shopping. I never thought I would say this but I am about shopped out. Seriously. Who would have thought it?? There are just so many things to buy and think about and some of it we won't really know until we are in the house for a bit. So we got a few more things today to outfit the house. We went to Bunnings which is like a Home Depot/Lowes and found some great beach chairs--the lounging kind in a bag that you can tote around which will be PERFECT! I am so excited!!! Then we went to another place and found a couple of desk chairs and a futon which we will put in the one bedroom which is going to be our "office" area but can double as a sleeping area if we need a bed for someone. Then it was off to Target to get a few more of the kitchen things and we had about spent the limit for the day so we left and came back to crash for a bit!
Chris is working on his mill reports and I am going to go find a book to read out on the balcony while the jazz festival goes on again outside. We are watching the Olympics off and on like everyone else i am sure. It really is something that brings all countries together I think!
Everything is falling into place for moving in on Friday--not sure if we will be able to actually sleep there on Friday---I have a lot of bedding to wash before we can settle in but we will give it a fair go!!! We are very excited as you can imagine!!!
Check out the new features of my blog---a poll, slideshow and list---let me know if I need to add your name!!! Just click on "comment" and leave a message!!!
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