Today is Tuesday and I am feeling a bit more settled in but there is MUCH to do still! The delivery guys are coming in a bit to deliver the futon (aka extra bed for my son!) and ---wait--there they are!!! Okay---futon and one office chair delivered but as in everything here you have to put it all together yourself! The washer and dryer came --dropped off in boxes----no full service here that is for sure!!! We have huge piles of cardboard now in the front to get rid of which will happen one of these days! Whew! And the delivery guy said he had been "crook" for a month------sick. Funny word, don't you think???
So we are feeling a bit more settled as I said but it is going to take awhile to sort things out and find places for our "stuff" mainly our clothes. I will need to find some kind of storage things someplace because the closets are pretty useless as far as having spaces that are usable at this point. They are huge but no shelves that are going to be easy to use for clothes, etc. but we will figure it out. I figure I have lived out of suitcases for this long --all summer basically---so I can do it awhile longer!!! As long as I can get Chris' clothes organized so he knows where stuff is for work, etc. that is all I am concerned about at this point. I did manage to cook a decent meal last night--grilled chicken (on the George Foreman since we haven't gotten the BBQ put together yet), potatoes, corn on the cob (which was almost as good as Iowa corn), salad and a chocolate caramel slice. I am going to have to play around with the oven and figure out the real temperature before I attempt any serious baking though as it took forever to do the potatoes last night.
Now that you know all about our meal last night....LOL. Chris has budget meetings most of the week and is in Townsville for that so that is nice that he doesn't have to drive so much. We started the morning off this morning at 6 with a walk on the beach---he can walk for about 1/2 hour if we do that on the days he goes into Townsville and he still left in plenty of time. It is usually dark by the time he gets home and we decided that walking on the beach in the dark is probably not a good idea quite yet.......not with our feeble bodies that will stumble into holes on the way to the beach!!! I will go for a nice long walk later but had to wait for the delivery dudes to come before I could do that.
Micah is back in Jacksonville ---he was to spend 2 weeks in Sarasota but the boss told him to head home since Fay is causing havoc there. He just messaged me that he was back and very tired from the 5 hour drive in horrible rain and wind. We are going to try to Skype in a bit if he is around. I am glad that he is okay and back to his apartment safe and sound---and glad the boss told him to come back!!!
So not much exciting news from here today---putting more things together--got my vacuum put together this morning and have to find a home for the ironing board now! And I have to iron!!! Everything seems to be on wrinkle here----even with my new washer and dryer. Not sure what I am doing wrong but something!!!
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