Pictures above: various pictures of Saunders Beach at low tide including one interesting pile made by some creature.... View the video at the end to see our new backyard!.
Whew---a long day but very productive!!!! We managed to buy a washer, dryer, small freezer, tv, bluray player, stereo system, bbq (grill to you Americans), vacuum, microwave, iron, ironing board, mixer, toaster, kettle, crock pot, electric skillet, and some other kitchen items. Then it was off to buy some beautiful mahogany furniture---coffee table, end tables, entertainment unit, bookcase, 2 desks and a file cabinet. Then off to buy bedding which I won't go into but it was quite an ordeal----towels and bedding are quite a bit more expensive here but you know---you gotta have them!!! The boot is filled with all the bedding and towels and stuff at the moment so there is not much space for Chris to put anything. And I think all the delivery trucks will be making their runs on August 15 to Saunders Beach so watch out!!! Actually we got all this done in fairly quick order because we had basically scoped it out ahead and knew where we wanted to get it all and bought all the white goods and electronics at one store and all the desks and stuff at another store so it simplified things a lot. I am really happy with what we have gotten so far and now we can take our time getting the rest of the items (other than dishes, etc) because we have the basics covered.
We ate breakfast at the Bistro downstairs and our favorite waitresses know us now and know to make big mochas for us!!! We promised we would come back for those after we move and that made them laugh a bit. They have to put them in glass glasses for us since their regular cups/mugs are so teeny!!! Guess they know when the Americans come to make the special ones!
We went to Saunders Beach and walked the beach and then sat on the beach (on our newly purchased beach towels from Target) and watched the sunset. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I will attach a video and some pictures of what we saw today so you can enjoy it with us. Oh and the biologists in the family did confirm it was a Laughing Kookaburra. They are going to have to identify a lot of things for me I think!!!
A great day, a relaxing evening and a g'day to all!
The pile in your last photo is likely worm "castings" (i.e., poo...). A marine polychete of some stripe or other, I imagine.
I THOUGHT that was what it was---it looked pooey to me!!! Thanks!!!
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