Saturday, February 27, 2010


Chris and I went to a "not feel good" movie today....have you seen it??? "Precious" I had read about it, seen trailers and wanted to see it since it came out but it had not made it to Mason City until now. Kind of a strange thing that it is just now here after being released months ago but I am sure there was reasoning there. Well, let me tell you---it is not for the faint of heart. Language alert. Violence alert. Just plain disturbing alert. I left feeling very unsettled and I am sure most of the small audience left feeling the same way. There were audible gasps from those around us at several times and of course I cried. Hard to imagine that this is the life that some people live. All I have known all of my life is love. Pure love. Knowing that people believe in me and love me for who I am---even when I make mistakes. That is a far cry from what some people experience in their lives and this movie was an example of the complete opposite of my life. But I know it is real. I know that this is the life that others live daily and never are able to escape.

If you feel up to it I suggest you go see this movie. It is not easy to watch but the performances are amazing and the story is rich. If nothing else it will make you want to hug your own parents and children and say thank you for the good things in your life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weird Cat Picture Alert

Who said that dogs are the only ones who drink from toilet bowls?? Cypress had them all beat! Delicate balancing act...

Aaron tempting Cypresss to drink from a cup....
I swear--he sat and stared at the wall for a looong time--there was nothing there--no bug, no spider, nothing moving....just a wall....

In all of my frantic scanning I found a few pictures of our dear departed kitty--Cypress. Now this cat was mainly my cat---Chris never had much to do with him (other than teasing him when he was a kitten in Orlando which might explain some of his weirdness) but he was a sweet kitty to me for 19 years until he got so mangy and decreptid that we had to take him to go to kitty heaven. He survived several moves---Orlando to Ohio, Ohio to Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania to Illinois, an instate move and his final move was to North Carolina. He lived with Grandma Jane and Grandpa Skip for a while even and survived it all well. He brought us much joy and I still remember his fascination with Reese's wrappers on the terrazzo floors in Navy housing in Orlando! RIP Cypress!
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why Me?

Of course you can't tell what this is but it is Aaron and an umbrella walking down a path a long time ago when we were on a retreat in Pennsylvania to Jumonville. I have been going down memory lane this week because I have decided it is long past time to scan in photos---I have boxes and boxes of unorganized photos and the process has begun. However....figure in the time it takes to look at each one and either laugh, pause or cry and the process is slow going!!! How did we get to this point in our lives?? I look at the baby pictures of Micah and Aaron and in some ways it seems like yesterday and then in others it seems like an eternity has passed since those days. Am I getting old or what???

I have had such an incredible life so far. I cannot believe that God has blessed little ole' me so much over the years. Even when the times were less than perfect (and there were those times!) they were still great. I look around me and see others who just are suffering every single day and I ask "Why me?". Why do I get to have this spectacular family and support system when others don't? Why did I end up with the loving parents who encouraged me and supported me all the way and others have parents who can't even show any affection? Why did I end up with the husband that loves me even when I act goofy and hide geckos in his underwear drawer? (Rubber geckos---not real ones, folks!!) Why did I end up with the two best sons in the world who call me and love me even when I am technically challenged and ask stupid questions?

All I can come up with to answer these questions is GRACE. God's grace is phenomenal and something that we as mere humans can just not begin to comprehend. I am so fabulously blessed to have a God who loves me despite my shortcomings and who loves my uniqueness. That is how God made me. How God made all of us!!! How blessed are we!!!
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Monday, February 22, 2010


Baby Micah on Day 1 of life!!!
Wow--do we look young!
Micah was all tooted out after a long drive!
In our backyard in Orlando!
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Long Haul Driver, Walking into Doors and Small Town Woman

Now you all know that I have the gift of gab! Well, I also have the gift of listen --if there is such a thing! Seriously, I do. Talk to anyone who knows me well and they will tell you that people spill their guts around me. Not sure why but I count it all joy! I have had so many fabulous conversations with folks over the years---from the woman truck driver who invited me into her cab to see her litter of kittens (I am NOT kidding!!!) to the guy who I befriended who got shot in the throat (hence his nickname Harry with the Hole in His Neck) I have had more experiences with people telling me their life stories than most people do. And I think that is awesome! I really need to write more of them down.

Friday I took Chris to the eye doctor---we had a pretty long wait so of course a lot of people came and went. I mean a lot of people. I think I saw half of the population of Mason City and the surrounding area in the time I sat there. First there was the long haul truck driver---didn't see his kids much when they were growing up but sure does enjoy those grandkids now! Then there was the poor lady who had walked into a door at 2 in the morning and had 2 black eyes and some fractured facial bones. Ouch. Then there was the couple from a neighboring small town ---farmers---who came into the big city for their yearly eye exam. I got the whole story from each of them and while I was happy to share their lives I wonder what it is about me that encourages people to spill their guts? I mean really ---I have had people tell me really intimate things about their lives with no urging from me. I won't go into those here but one in particular comes in mind for a prayer request for a particular male body part.....

I guess part of Friday's experience was because it is the Midwest. People do tend to be friendlier and more wiling to have a conversation. That is a good thing. I have not experienced it as much here up until lately and I think it was just me--not really putting myself out there. Well, now I am! I am getting involved---people know me a bit better and I am in the community a little bit more. I fought it for a long time---because I was hopeful that we would sell the house quickly and move on. has been a long winter and still continues (though the sun is out today) and I have changed my attitude a bit. Thank goodness. I needed an attitude adjustment! I am the first to admit that. Anyway, hope the trend continues--that people continue to open up to me and chat. I love being part of the story!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Operation Write Home

Ran across this website from one of google alerts for iris folding---while it isn't necessarily iris folding it is a great way for those of you out there (that means YOU, Mother) to make a difference with some of the homemade cards that you make! I was really excited about finding this and think that it is a great thing to do! So sign me up! Get the card stuff out and make some cards for some heroes!!! Check out their website at for more information!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

According to Wikipedia:

For the Western Christian calendar, Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and occurs forty-six days (forty days not counting Sundays) before Easter. It is a moveable fast, falling on a different date each year because it is dependent on the date of Easter. It can occur as early as 4 February or as late as 10 March.

Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are typically gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. In the liturgical practice of some churches, the ashes are mixed with the Oil of the Catechumens[1] (one of the sacred oils used to anoint those about to be baptized), though some churches use ordinary oil. This paste is used by the minister who presides at the service to make the sign of the cross, first upon his or her own forehead and then on those of congregants. The minister administering ashes recites the words: "Remember (O man) that you are dust, and to dust you shall return", or "Repent, and believe the Gospel."

The buzz on Facebook and other places today seems to be centered around what you are giving up for Lent. Typically Ash Wednesday is the time where one gives up something for the period until Easter Sunday-----one year I gave up chocolate, another year sweet tea. Sometimes I have fasted one day of the week. I do not remember that any of these really had any true effect on me---maybe I was just not focusing on it enough or something--I don't know. Some have suggested giving up Facebook for Lent. One pastor I receive e newsletters from has even suggested giving up alcohol for this time period and donating the money one would have spent on that to a recovery program. I thought that was an interesting take on it!

Another approach is to perhaps "add" something instead of promoting the self denial. This would be doing something out of your ordinary routine that would be a positive thing---like volunteering someplace, doing a random act of kindness every day of Lent, or perhaps skipping a meal out that is your normal routine and donating teh money saved to some charity or church. All are good suggestions, I believe.

While I do believe that even though all of these ideas are good and interesting and perhaps could be life changing I also believe God wants us to live our lives in a sort of self denial and heightened awareness daily. If only we could focus on those aspects of repentance and living as God wants us to live DAILY instead of just at Lent. Giving up self for God is what we should be doing every day, not just during this season of the year.

Today when you get the ashes on your forehead think about that---think about if you will give up, add or choose to change your life at all during Lent. Perhaps the bigger question is---should I be living every day a little differently than I am now?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Meals On Wheels Association of America - Pledge to End Senior Hunger

Meals On Wheels Association of America - Pledge to End Senior Hunger

Today I helped deliver Meals on Wheels in Mason City. This is one of the best organizations that I know of! I have had the pleasure and honor to deliver meals for quite a few years in various places and am finally doing it here in Mason City. I challenge all of you to go to this website and take the pledge to end senior hunger---it is ridiculous that in our country we have people going hungry and even if it is out of your comfort zone---consider volunteering for Meals on Wheels. If you don't want to deliver or be a runner there are other ways you can help. Check out the website and know that YOU can make a difference.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love stinks! Minn. farmer creates manure valentine -

Love stinks! Minn. farmer creates manure valentine -

Wrapping Up Mission to Mission

My "talk" today at church wrapping up my experiences! I was the last of 6 to speak so I tried to keep it short!

Everyone has a story. The Lakota people on the Rosebud Reservation are no exception. Their stories may be different that the stories that we may hear here in Mason City but they are important stories nonetheless. Everyone needs to be able to tell his or her story. Last week at Mission I was a small part of the story that has been going on for many, many years and it was a privilege to be a part of that.

I was the "New One" on the trip this year from First UMC and I had jumped in at the very last minute due to another mission trip that I had planned to go on not quite coming together like I thought it would. Thanks to the rest of the team I was welcomed and encouraged every step of the way and went feeling pretty prepared for waht was ahead of me. Was I a little nervous? Sure---anytime you join a group of people that you dont' know there has to be a little bit of apprehension but that quickly disappeared, as I became part of the story.

There is much to be done on the reservation and the Tree of Life Ministry is working tirelessly to do all in their power to reach out to the people there. I was amazed at all this ministry is able to accomplish in circumstances that are really beyond comprehension. 85% unemployment, homelessness and alcoholism are the norm and the high school drop out rate soars. Suicides are commonplace. So where do you go when this is the story that is playing out around you?

The Warm Welcome is a store/restaurant that the TOL operates for the Native Americans. Crammed in small quarters, Gwen, Kathy, Sonia and Jay operate a place where food items, clothing, personal care items and a hot meal are served--all for $1.06 per adult per day. This is where I spend most of my week. My jobs included sorting and packaging the undies that our church sent from Undie Sunday, helping girls pick out prom dresses, stocking shelves, repacking bulk food items for give away in the store (I wore the essence of summer sausage one day when a large shipment came in and it had to be broken down into small packages), and I even ran the till though I warned Gwen that I was sure it would be off that day---it got a little crazy at times!

I saw God so many times during the week---when the girls found a perfect dress for prom--God was there. When I was able to hand a pack of diapers to a mom for her baby--God was there.When I took a handful of chance in exchange for food and clothing--God was there. When I packaged non wedgie underwear (YES!) from our church--God was there. When Gwen and Kathy opened up to me and started sharing their stories---God was there. When I looked in the eyes of the shy children --God was there. So many times God was evident in the people around me and hopefully He was present when people looked at me.

So this week I was part of a much larger story. The story of hope. Volunteering has always been an important part of my life and will continue to be. Being a part of this group is now part of my story. Giving a hand to someone who needed a little help, smiling at and acknowledging an individual who has a life so different from mine definitely made my time there helping worthwhile. Did I do anything that was a major life-changing thing in someone's life? Probably not. But for one short week I was a part of a ministry that is trying tto make a difference. It is trying to provide basic assistance for a people who so need a helping hand. Without preaching and trying to convert people to "our way" of life this ministry offers the basic essentials that this poverty stricken people cannot quite get on their own yet. The Lakota people are now part of my story and in some small way I pray that I am a part of their story. The story of love and hope. Thank you for the opportunity to go on this trip and for the opportunity to share today.

10 Strangest Animal Incidents -

10 Strangest Animal Incidents -

Friday, February 12, 2010

Abba's Child---Chapter 2

I chose the second book that my sister, Paula, and I are reading and studying together. I have fallen in love with the writings of Brennan Manning and this was one I had not read yet. I first was introduced to him when Fil Anderson came to Epworth UMC for a series of Wednesday nights to discuss his book Running on Empty. Fil had deep respect for Brennan Manning and after reading his words in the preface to Fil's book I was hooked. My friend, Jen, also was a huge fan, having read The Ragamuffin Gospel and she was sure that I would like his writings. She was right!

The second chapter of the book Abba's Child deals with the idea of the imposter that lives within all of us. For Brennan it was the repressed part of his younger days that allowed him to function and live in an environment that was less than ideal. The imposter lives in fear. His assessment is that the imposter in us craves acceptance and affirmation. Wow---how true is that? How often have I fallen prey to someone's praise and flattery of something that I have done? Often! It feels good to have someone acknowledge when you have done a good job, though, doesn't it? I think what Brennan is commenting about is a little bit more than just acknowledging this---I think he is talking about when we strive to do things and SEEK out that approval because without it we have no sense of self worth. We attach importance to things that really are not important at all and that separates us from the relationship that our God wants us to have with Him.

One particular portion of this chapter hit me like a truck ! This was when the author was talking about the obsession that we in North America seem to have with weight loss! Manning gives the "imposter" credit for this obsession. Of course overall health is important but how much time and energy is devoted to the pursuit of weight loss??? Just thinking about how many commercials and television shows air is a true indicator of our compulsion with this Manning paraphrases Cardianl Wolsey "Would that I served my God the way I have watched my waistline!" Food for thought. Sorry, no pun intended!

I especially appreciated the dream he detailed with Carlton Hayes and Moe---Moe was content in his servanthood and was complete in his life. He did not seek the things that the imposter in Carlton sought.

So why do we choose to not be our true self with God??? I believe he longs for that. Our deepest desire should be that perfect intimacy with our Creator and yet how many times do I catch myself praying "Lord---help me feel closer to You?" but I only utter the words and do nothing more to seek that intimacy? I can not put a number to those empty prayers. Though I do not think they are empty when I pray them ---without action and true openness that is what they become for me. I am guilty of allowing the imposter to rule my life.

Prayer is my lifeline to God. As Jeffrey D. Imbach wrote "Prayer is essentially the expression of our heart longing for love. It is not so much the listing of our requests but the breathing of our own deepest request, to be united with God as fully possible." So I need to seek that with all my heart. And maybe when I find that, put all the imposters behind me, I will be able to live by grace and not performance as Manning does.

A Cuppa!

Boy, do I love a great cup of coffee! There is nothing like having a steaming cup of my favorite brew placed in front of me especially on a chilly day. My current favorite at my local hangout is a venti mocha, 2 percent, with raspberry and whipped cream. While it probably isn’t the most healthy choice I do relish that first taste! Funny that this has become my obsession in my “later” years when in my younger days I could hardly even stand the smell of coffee. Guess I have grown up or something.

The whole coffee experience is just that –an experience. Coffee houses have sprung up all over the place. You can hardly go a mile without seeing some sort of national chain or local coffee shop in my area. What I have experienced is that it is not just about that cup of coffee no matter how wonderful it is---it is about all that surrounds that cup of coffee. If you choose to go into the establishment rather than through the drive thru you enter into a world of cozy couches, music that feeds your soul and artwork that is pleasing to the eye. It is here that you can choose to either be alone or join friends.

What would it be like if I embraced God with the same enthusiasm that I embrace that cup of special mocha curled up in my favorite corner couch? What if each day I woke up and actually looked forward to spending time with my best friend who knows all and is always there for me? Would my day be different? Would there be more positive things happening? Or would I just notice them more? The experience of living with God daily is something that I crave. How do I get there??? I think I need to seek it out and personally make the time to enjoy the experience. I need to start the day opening my eyes to the beauties of the day and the experiences that God has in store for me and those around me.

So why don’t you join me---have a cup of your favorite “joe” and take time to appreciate the experience of being one of God’s children. Nestle in and curl up with God’s presence. Let Him fill your every sense and envelope you in love. You won’t be disappointed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sidewalk of hearts!!!

Walking in Valentine, Nebraska! A few lucky people will be getting Valentine's from here!!!!
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Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Man tattoos baby « - Blogs from

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Man tattoos baby « - Blogs from

What on earth was this guy thinking???? Thoughts????

The Mission Group the 2nd Half of the Week!

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Back in the Groove

I have been back from Rosebud Reservation for a few days now--the laundry is done, the clothes put away, sleeping bag stowed in the basement, sleep caught up on! When you embark on a mission trip you are never really quite sure what is going to happen. At least that has been my experience in the past. Sometimes you go and things are well laid out ahead of time--you know exactly what you are going to be doing when and where you will be and other times you have no idea whatsoever what you will be doing and where you will be. I went into this trip pretty blind. I decided at the last minute to go when a trip to Mexico that I had hoped to be a part of just was not coming together like I thought it would. Judging from the posts of my friend, Teresa, on Facebook--they are doing great and the trip has been a great thing already so I am glad that it worked out for her and Maggie to go. But I know that this trip to South Dakota was where I was supposed to be!

The people from First UMC here in Mason City really took care of me and made sure that I had as much information ahead of time that I could have to make it an easier experience. When I arrived it was pretty much what I expected. Poverty everywhere. Not a big surprise since Todd County where the reservation lies was the 5th poorest county in the US in 2008. I doubt things have changed much. Unemployment is rampant and the school drop out rate is astronomical. Most of the kids look at their parents--many of whom are alcoholics and unemployed---and see no point in an education if that is what lies ahead of them. There are, however, exceptions to the rule and that is what the hope of the reservation is---to nurture those youth who can see past the circumstances around them and cast a glimpse of a bigger picture where they can be successful. We met many Lakota who are associated with the college there (Sinte Gleska University-- who have reached great personal success and achievements who are serving as mentors and examples to the youth on the reservation. Those examples are who those youth need to be looking to and my prayer is that they will.

It is just so amazing to me how the Tree of Life operates----this is a ministry that gets over 1500 volunteers each year and puts them to work on fixing housing, working in the Warm Welcome, doing general clean up and even making gardens. One of the neatest things that I would love to be able to witness is this summer when a group of Amish are bringing their plows and horses to work the land into some huge gardens for the residents to use. What an incredible sight that will be!!!

The Lakota way is not one that I totally understand but I understand so much more than I did. Here is a people with great pride, a true connection to the earth and what it can provide and probably some of the earliest recyclers. They waste nothing when they kill an animal. They use every part of it and realize that that is the way to live --not wasting or throwing something away just because it is not something that they themselves would use. They are happy to pass it along to someone who can use it. Great lesson to be learned there I think!

I have been thinking of what my lesson to be learned this week was and I am still pondering that. Perhaps the obvious one is that even though I was "white man" I was accepted far better than I had anticipated. Of course the directors of the Tree of Life have paved the way for all the volunteers and have established a great relationship with the Lakota people because they are not trying to convert them---they are serving God by helping to provide for basic needs of a people who are still suffering. And that is what I think God has in mind---taking care of one another. When you give without an ulterior motive I believe it is blessed work. As Pastor Jo kept asking us---"Where did you see God today?" I can honestly answer that I saw God everyday on the reservation in the eyes of those who give unselfishly of themselves. Amen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fancy beadwork and patterns!
Our home away from home for a week

I find feline friends wherever I go!
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Drummers drumming and singing

Steve and Shane Red Hawk
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Wacipi time!!!

Entertaining herself while waiting to dance!

Natisha--former Miss Rosebud

The drum circle----they were being recorded and check out the "singer"with his hand to his throat---the sounds they make are amazing and painful!

Some of the beautiful colors
What an awesome experience this was for me today! We went to see the Grand Entry twice today and if you did not get goosebumps watching this you must have a stone for a heart! I was so moved and totally enjoyed the experience. The second one in the evening was really crowded and with 8 of us it was impossible to find a place to sit but a lady caught my attention and told me they had made room for 2, then 3 and eventually all of us had a seat together thanks to their generosity and willingness to scrunch in so that we could enjoy it also. It was fabulous and tonight they held a special honoring of the veterans which was incredible. Bagpipes played Amazing Grace and afterwards they gifted the player with a Star Quilt---one of their very special things. I was so happy that we were able to go twice today as the dancers had changed regalia and so we saw some totally different things later on. Anyway---fabulous. Many of the pictures I took were a blur of color because as they dance and twirl and crouch and bend the colors all swirled together but it made for a beautiful presentation. Will post more pictures eventually but these will be a taste! Enjoy!

The following is an explanation of Wacipi taken from the Rosebud Indian Reservation website.

How to enjoy a Wacipi (pronounced WA CHEE PEE)...

The wacipi (or pow wow) as we the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations call our celebrations, have evolved from the olden days to explosions of new art and designs constantly appearing and changing from year to year.

The dance styles, dress and music you will see at our wacipi celebrations show the most beautiful and colorful finery, elaborate feather work, intricate beadwork that go with many different dance steps and dance styles beginning with our young children, teenagers, young men, young ladies, to the older men and older women.

The wacipi as practiced in the Plains region is a social event which can last one to many days and is the time when Lakota, Dakota, or Nakota tribal people conduct Honorings, giveaways, family gatherings and when friends meet, camp, visit and reconnect as tribal nations. During the summer months the wacipi celebration is usually held outdoors with a shade or cover area where the audience and dancers sit under while the center area space is reserved for the dancing.

Dances are either for men or women, and competitions are divided into age categories. The dancers dance in a clockwise direction when they are in the arena area and ultimately represents the circle of unity, the never-ending cycle of life. Singers are usually under or adjacent to the shade or covered area between the audience and the dance area. The wacipi singers are a very important part of wacipi. Without the singers and the rhythm of the drum beat, there would be no dance. They sing many types of songs; honor and family, war and conquest, songs of joy, encouragement, humor and mourning.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Starbucks, Summer Sausage and Shamu Cookies

Buffalo Bladder pouch.....ick!

Today was my last "working" day here at Mission and the Tree of Life Ministry. I am sad but also tired!!! Today I worked once again in the Warm Welcome but instead of doing the cash register all day I split my time between that and stocking and sorting items that are put out in the store. First off--Starbucks coffee. Bags and bags of it---more than would fit on the space on the shelves so I had to be a little bit creative. Next came the summer sausage (I think it was deer) which were in huge boxes so I split them up into bags of 4. My perfume for the day was Essence of the Sausage....I may never be able to eat summer sausage again. Finally I had boxes and boxes of bulk chocolate Shamu shaped animal crackers...much better smell than that old summer sausage so I knocked those out fast!!! Had to put them in sandwich bags and stock those. By the end of the day all of the summer sausage and Shamu crackers we put out were snatched up so the evidence of my work was gone!!! But hopefully it was enjoyed!!!

The co op operates on the principle that no one gets a free handout. Each adult that comes in pays $1.06 (gotta get that tax) and for that money they get whatever items are the special for the day. Today they got 2 tubes of Grands biscuits and a container of Frito Scoops. They can choice one item out of the case (that is basically their $1 item) and then whatever food items that are available for the day that they can fit into one bag. They can also take clothing in one bag. We had gotten thousands of pounds of potatoes this week also so those were boxed up and they were given away along with cases of Propel. Some of the items that they get in the store are "interesting" but many of these folks depend upon this store for food so if they can get a few things that are useful it helps. One day this week one of the items were packages of frozen lamb chops with stickers on them saying "Australia inspected" I said...interesting. The Tree of Life has many places that it gets donations or purchases food and other items from so it must never be dull to see what comes in! I am pretty amazed at the amount of stuff that goes out of there!!!

I spent the afternoon stocking shelves in the back and putting underwear and socks together in packs and working with Gwen and Kathy was such a treat. By the end of the week we were joking and cutting up and I got hugs from both when I left----they are really special ladies and my life is fuller for getting to know them.

Tonight we ate at the Buffalo Jump for one last time and when we got back to the West Wing we had our speaker for the evening---Delores Kills In Water---come. She brought many artifacts and items that she has collected and done presentations for. She was a presenter at Mount Rushmore last year and she is an amazing woman. I spent quite a bit of time after her presentation talking to her and her grandson who drove her and he really opened up to me and talked to me a bit about how he was learning things he had never known---the culture has not been maintained with the younger ones so it is up to them to really listen and learn so that they can carry on the traditions.

I have so many pictures and am just including a few here but it has been an amazing week. I have met many wonderful people and am so blessed. They have all been so accepting and welcoming and if I were them and had been treated the way they have been and still are being treated I do not think I could be as respectful as they are. My eyes have been opened as I knew they would and I am challenged.

Tomorrow is my big first adventure into a pow wow and I cannot wait. Several of the people that we have met will be there dancing and I am so happy to be able to experience that. It should be amazing!!! I am so thankful for the week!

Fabulous night with Delores Kills In Water

Delores Kills In Water's grandson, Antonio Quick Bear--playing a game and losing!
Enough said....
Delores Kills In Water
Beaded lizard placed on side of Cradle Board for boys---the remains of the umbilical cord were often placed inside and it was to protect the child and was a very special thing to have that done.
Mortar and pestle used to mash chokeberries
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Warm Welcome and a Visit from a Very Interesting Man

Duane Hollow Horn Bear

Duane Hollow Horn Bear with Pope John Paul

Chief Hollow Horn Bear ---Great Grandfather of Duane

What a great day I had--they keep getting better and better! Today I helped out in the Warm Welcome store where people can come and get just that---a warm welcome! I helped out in the morning in the store part where folks can come in and get a free meal and some grocery items, clothing and personal items. We had about 100 people sign in but there were many more than that and I told the ladies that their till would be off tonight when they went to count because I was sure I was not too accurate!!! Got a little crazy now and then and I did not necessarily have it all together but it was all good!!! I had a good time joking around with the folks that came in and all were very respectful and grateful for what they were able to get. With so much poverty here it is maybe the one place that they can get some needed things----shampoo is a luxury item and we gave out a lot of that. After being here it is making me think a little differently about what I take for granted and all the stuff that I could be collecting to send out here!

Later in the day I went to the back room and helped stack products on the shelves and then delved into packaging up more undies and socks that will be given out in the store. Had some great conversations with the ladies who work there---Gwen and Kathy and it is nice to be able to joke back and forth a bit and share some things while we work on things.

Tonight we had a guest speaker---Duane Hollow Horn Bear---what a story he has! His grandfather was Chief Hollow Horn Bear and I post the following information taken from a website Native Leaders Past and Present:
Chief Hollow Horn Bear-Matihehlogego

Son of Chief Iron Shell, Hollow Horn Bear fought with the leading chiefs of the Plains against subjugation until the 1870s; after that, he favored peace with the whites and became something of a celebrity along the East Coast. In his later years, Hollow Horn Bear attended several official functions as a Native representative, including two inaugural parades. His likeness appeared on a fourteen-cent stamp as well as on a five-dollar bill. Born in Sheridan Country, Nebraska , a son of Chief Iron Shell, Hollow Horn Bear earned his early fame as a warrior, he raided the Pawnees at first then aided other Sioux leaders in harassing forts along the Bozeman Trail, between 1866 and 1868, when the Treaty of Fort Laramie was signed. During this time, he gained fame as the chief who

Photographer John Anderson 1900

defeated Lieutenant William Fetterman. Hollow Horn Bear was appointed as head of Indian police at the Rosebud Agency, South Dakota ; in this role, he arrested Crow Dog for the murder of Spotted Tail. Hollow Horn Bear also became involved in treaty negotiations because of his oratorical abilities. In 1905, Hollow Horn Bear was invited to take part in the inauguration of President Theodore Roosevelt. In 1913, he led a group of Indians to the presidential inauguration parade for Woodrow Wilson. On that visit, Hollow Horn Bear caught pneumonia and died.

This was a pretty amazing man with a pretty incredible story and once again I marvel at his ability to move on from some of the things that he has endured during his life. He is an amazing example of someone who has led a full life because he believed that he could do and achieve anything that he wanted. He really opened my eyes to some of the things that I had no idea happened and I was blessed by what he spoke about. One of the neatest things is that we have a young man along with us the second half of the week--Josh. He came with his dad who is one of the UM ministers in Mason City. Josh is in 4th or 5th grade---I forget which--and he asked if he could take a picture for his school report which he was happy to do. After the picture was taken Duane gave him his baseball cap ---a very common thing in this culture is to give gifts and what a special thing this young man will have and what a story he will have to tell!

So the rest of the gang is upstairs talking and I am waiting to Skype with Chris ---I am not that tired tonight but I also needed to catch up on emails and have some "Beth Ann" time so this is good!!! Unwinding after a long day---tomorrow is our last actual work day with Saturday being a sightseeing day and Sunday traveling home. More tomorrow!

Crafting with the Kids!

Allen and me!!!! LOL Isn't he a cutie??
Doris helping Tashina

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