I know it really does not look like much but this was my major accomplishment today! Our bedroom furniture got delivered today and the delivery guys had instructions to take the platform that we had been using as a base for our mattress and assemble our bed when they got here. Well, I heard a lot of clanking (??) around of wood and sounds of something being put together and just assumed that things were going as planned. When they went out to get the paperwork for me to sign I looked at the bed, night tables and dresser (mine is on a slow boat from Tasmania and won't be here for another 4-6 weeks) and all looked fine and dandy. Once I signed and they left I went back in to start making up the bed.....
And that is when the problems started! I had gotten a slat protector to put on the slats to protect the mattress (just like it says!!) since we went that route instead of having a platform. All you do is tie this flimsy piece of fabric to the slats and it helps protect the bottom of your mattress and ensures that your warranty on your mattress is good. Well....when I tied the thing on the slats started shifting around and falling out. First one side, then I would put them back in and the other side would fall out. I was near tears because this just was not supposed to be the way it works!!! I looked at the frame and discovered that they had put one of the bedrails on upside down or so it seemed so I decided that I CAN DO THIS! I was not going to let Chris come home and have to deal with putting a bed back together so I heaved the mattress off and went to work taking the rails off and switching them around. Easier said than done! I am glad no one was watching because it was a comedy in itself and I was getting madder and madder at it and in tears by the time I was done. I did finally get it switched around, tightened up and I think it is good but I am going to have Chris double check it and maybe tighten it up a bit more than I could do. It just makes me mad because those delivery guys had to know that it was not right!!! Every time you bumped it several of the slats would fall out of one side or the other. I think I have it fixed now and they are all in the groove but if you hear a loud sound you will know that I did not get it fixed right and we are on the floor!!! I don't know why everything is so difficult !!! But I am getting very good at assembling and trouble shooting things so I guess that is the positive side of things.
And I guess I did accomplish paying some bills today which is a miracle in and of itself! I have been very surprised that the banks do a good job with their electronic banking and the B pay is very easy to use--just like what I do with our US accounts so that has been a pleasant surprise. With some things here being a little old fashioned and maybe not as progressive as what I am used to finding out that I cna do the billpay online so easily has been a very pleasant surprise. I know that probably sounds kind of weird but it is one less thing to hassle about when I can just do it online at any time and not have to try to find a post box to mail in a payment. etc.
Tonight is international dinner night---in other words--leftover night. We have little bits of everything and there just isn't any reason to make anything new when we need to eat all that stuff up! It is hard for me to cook for 2 I guess!!! So that is the news from here----watching a bit of the Olympics still but I am tired of weightlifting......
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