Ronda, Carol, Gillian and Anne (some of my craft friends!)
I have had a full day and am now back at the "unit" watching the Olympics and waiting for Chris to come home. Of course they don't show all the stuff I would like to see here---the coverage is mainly of the Australian athletes (which makes sense I guess) so there is a lot of flipping from event to event and I have totally missed the USA gymnastics I think. Oh well.
I started out the day getting my hair highlighted and cut---there is a little salon right outside the Quest and I decided to not stress myself out and just go there and Annette did a good job though it is a lot lighter than I really like it. I think I may have to go back to my natural color next time and start over---probably should have done that this time but I thought I would give it a go. Now I did experience something here that I had not had before and they may have them in salons in the US but I never saw them. The hair dryer thingy was this funky mobile thing that had this huge ring that circled your head and dried your hair.......I know I am not explaining it well at all but it was kind of space agey!!! Instead of having the hood that comes down over your head it was just circling around my head heating it and drying it. If I can find a picture I will post it but it kind of freaked me out! It was big enough and above your head enough that if you sat still it didn't hit you but what if you had a gigantic head????? Anwyay, the process took about 2 1/2 hours mainly because she was having computer problems, we started late, and she wanted to chat it up when I was done!! Whew.
I texted my craft friend and within 10 minutes one of them came to pick me up and I spent an enjoyable 3 1/2 hours with them while we talked and shared lunch and talked some more. This really is a neat group of ladies--a smaller group today--we only had 7 but they really are very sweet. When Gillian called me yesterday to see if I wanted to come I told her that I didn't want to put anyone out to come pick me up since I have no car and she made a point of saying to me that if I was in the US wouldn't I go out of my way to do this for someone and I had to agree that I would so that convinced me that they wouldn't do it if they didn't want to. So in a couple of weeks we have a day trip planned to the town of Charters Towers which was a gold mining town with a lot of history so they have even said they would come get me in Saunders Beach if Chris can't drop me off which I thought was very gracious!!!
Chris is keeping busy with a lot of meetings this week and will probably be glad when the meetings are over! He would much rather be in the mills checking things out.
We are still on track to move into the house on Friday---I just got a call from one of the furniture places that our things had come in so they could deliver on Friday--i think we are going to have a mess of delivery trucks!!! Will post more later!
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