I checked out an interesting book from the library---"500 Things to Eat Before It is Too Late" by Jane and Michael Stern. Quite an interesting little book and of course since it is about food it got my full attention. Thought I would share a few of the things that we are all urged to eat before it is too late...
1. Cheese Curds-----Wisconsin and Michigan (I can fully attest to the fact that these are simply delicious and addictive.
2. Fish Boil---Door County, Wisconsin. ( I can say that I have also had the pleasure of this experience also!!! Fabulous!)
3. Iowa Pork Chop (You KNOW I have had that!!!)
4. Loosemeats Iowa (Actually my first experience with this delicacy was in Greenville, Ohio at the Maid Rite there. One of the things that you did when you went through the drive thru there was to put your gum on the brick wall leading up to the drive thru. Now I am sure that it would not pass any health inspector today but that is a vivid memory. Not sure if they still have that tradition or not. I could not imagine getting that scraped off....maybe easier to just lay another layer of bricks on top of it. Mason City also has a Maid Rite in the mall here!)
5. 5 Way Chili---Cincinnati, Ohio (Now I love this!!! I actually have a fabulous recipe that I make occasionally which always pleases!!! Top the spaghetti with the chili, add oyster crackers, shredded cheese, onions and I am happy. I omit the beans---not a big bean fan on this but I guess if you do it 5 way it really has to have the beans.
6. Fish Taco --Southern California (I think you can get these about anywhere anymore as I have had excellent ones in Austin, Texas on a visit to see Micah. My brother, Mark, is the king of fish tacos. He and his buddies have fish tacos all the time when they go on their little fishing adventures and I am sure his are excellent beyond words!!!)
7. Lexington BBQ - North Carolina (Yum yum! I am missing me some of this wonderful BBQ and have to wait until May to have some again. Hopefully we will be able to make a trip to get some!)
8. Key Lime Pie---Florida (Yep---gotta love it!!! None other like it in the world!)
9. Fish Head Stew--Mt. Pleasant, North Carolina (Are you kidding me? I lived close to that place and never heard abou this! From the description it sounds about like a gumbo with meat picked from the heads of fresh grouper. Anyone ever had it?)
10. Creamy Grits---Charleston, South Carolina (Cooked with milk and butter and often served with cheese and shrimp on top! Total heaven.)
Okay--I am surprised at how many of these foods I have had the pleasure of having already!!! Hmmmm. But there are many more to go. Check out the book if you need a good suggestion of what to eat when you are traveling to different places!

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