Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lesson Learned!

The past few days my blog has been possessed. I tried to spice it up. Lesson learned. Stay with the tried and true. Don't add to the basic design unless you know for sure what it is . Come to find out I had a bad widget. Yikes!!!! I did everything I could to take care of it but I had to leave it to the professional aka Aaron Son Number Two to fix it. Took him all of about a second most likely but he did it.

You can add all these cool things to blogs to personalize them and I had done that a couple times before. Problem is if you have too fancy of stuff it won't load for folks with slow connections. Or if you do like I did this last time and added a bad widget it takes the person to some bad website! So the lesson learned is to not mess with it--keep it simple, and just be happy with a simple and basic design. I was distressed because I hated to think of starting up a new blog. I have done this one for a year now and am kind of attached. Not sure how many "followers" I have now but a few and just didn't want to have to start all over! So...enough said. Thanks to Aaron I am back up and running. Won't promise anything exciting but you never know what is coming around the corner or on the next blog!

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