Here we are---full on into the month of March and it looks like it will be the same as any other year in the midwest---people start going just a little bit nuts. With sunny skies upon us, huge melting snow piles threatening flooding and just a hint of warmth in the air people have begun to lose their senses. Yes---I will say it boldly!!! People around here drive like maniacs!!! Maybe it is the snow piles that still obstruct views at corners. Maybe it is the blinding sun beating down that is frying people's brains. Or maybe, just maybe, people just don't use good sense. I think it is the latter.
I don't get out much--not having a job to go to on a daily basis limits my driving to errands and just the occasional joy ride around town. I have grown accustomed to using my Tom Tom set on Billy Bob Thorton's voice from the character Karl in Slingblade to spice up my short forays and it makes me laugh insanely to hear him say "Some people might want to turn right here....ummmmhuuunnn." With that being said I just have to say it----people can not drive safely here. I can not tell you how many people have pulled out in front of me, cut me off or just basically been totally clueless. My prayer has seriously been "Lord, don't let me be clueless" many times lately.
The other day I was in a parking lot getting ready to leave and I hear the distinctive sound of bumper meeting bumper. Fortunately it was not my sweet little Accord bumper involved but a Grand Marquis (go figure--in Iowa???) and a mini van which was the innocent victim of a parking lot backing into without paying attention incident. For an instant I thought the driver was going to just ignore it and go on but at least he did back up, again, this time without hitting the mini van, and investigate. I mean --really. It is a parking lot----watch what you are doing!!! That van was sitting parked there and was big as life. Oh well.
My thoughts are that the spring in the air feeling has affected folks negatively. They have thrown caution to the wind and are just in a crazed state. Don't be fooled. It is temporary I am sure. There is sure to be an arctic blast headed our way which will freeze all the flooded parts on the roads making driving even more challenging and bringing out the worst drivers in all of us. What to do???? Maybe just hibernate for a few more weeks???
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