Yesterday while I was walking through the neighborhood I saw a shiny red pickup truck. Now that in itself is not unusual but .........on the front of it was a snow blade. Yes, September 14th and this dude had a snow blade on his truck. Now I am hoping against all hope that he just got a new toy and was trying it out ---seeing how the truck drove with the blade on and all....yes...that has to be it!!! I do not want to think about the alternative. And today at the assisted living place in our little development the discussion turned to the weather and there were differing opinions----easy winter vs. hard winter. I am being optimistic and thinking that it is going to be an enjoyable winter!
Add to that little scenario that I now have a hummingbird trapped in my garage. It is flying relentlessly as hummingbirds do but just can't seem to figure out to go low, under the garage door to escape. I have talked to it and tried to lead it but to no avail. I now have a red bowl with sugar water sitting outside the open garage door. I anticipate in the morning there will be weird insects in the bowl and the hummingbird will either be dead from exhaustion or still flitting about the garage. I tried to get a bird out of a garage once in NC with a net and had dismal results so I don't think I can do any better with a faster smaller hummingbird. So if anyone has any brilliant ideas---I am open to them.
I hope you resolved your "hummer" problem. I once tried to capture a hummingbird with my butterfly net, to relocate him. I merely "tapped" him with the rim of the net before getting him inside, and he was immediately stone dead. I've not had good success... They are incredibly fragile critters...
I left the garage door open and he finally was out about 10 pm---thank goodness. I had tried to get a bird out of the garage in Mooresville and had similar sad results as your hummingbird results so I was very happy he figured out how to go under the door.
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