Chris and I did an overnight away to the Amana Colonies and had a great time!!! He always wanted to go there----since high school I think, and it was really quite interesting as well as beautiful! The weather cooperated and we avoided the rain that was predicted and had such a great time! Learned a little bit about the history of the colonies and their people---German Pietists, who shared a communal lifestyle until 1935 when they separated the religious side from the business side and discontinued the communal style of life where everything was shared. It was all pretty interesting to see all the history and to know that the descendents are still living there in Amana and the other colonies close by. The buildings, sandstone, were beautiful and of course they all have beautiful gardens and flowers so I spent a lot of time taking pictures of some of the more picturesque things around.
We ate dinner at one of the great restaurants there and I had the best chicken I think I have ever had while Chris opted for the sauerbrauten. Of course we had all the family style fixings and ended up with rhubarb pie for dessert (we had only eaten a very small breakfast so we were famished!). It was fabulous!! And great service. It is nice to go places where the service is good, the food is hot and timely and people act like they want to serve you! The waitress even made Chris a special coffee since they didn't have cappuccino so you can be sure she got a good tip!
We stayed in Homestead, about 3 miles from Amana, and stayed a a nice old place that was beautifully decorated ---each room had a theme and ours was the Vintner Room so it was done with grapevines and burgandies and greens and was really quaint and nice. They served breakfast in one part of the inn and it was really yummy this morning with waffles and fresh baked bread and muffins, pastries, fresh fruit and fabulous coffee. I am all about the food these days it seems. :-( Maybe not a good thing! But it was a great stay (other than the trains that were VERY close ) and the random wrong number at 1 am.!!!!
I have included a few pics but will post more later as well as some pictures of the Little Brown Church that we stopped at on the way home today! Ready for a new week!
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