Isn't it wonderful when you feel like you have actually accomplished something? I don't care if it is just clearing off your desk at work---there is something that strikes such a positive chord with me when I feel like I have made headway on something. Today is a good day! I am getting there. I have the distinct pleasure of being the "trailing spouse" right now and not being gainfully employed. But with that life of leisure comes a bit of responsibility---it is mainly my responsibility to make sure the house is up to snuff, so to speak. So....while I have dragged my feet on many things lately I have been gung ho on the whole "revitalization of the home" process and it has proved to be a little more than therapeutic for me. As I clean, paint, wallpaper and redecorate a bit it has helped me to erase some of those negative feelings that I had surrounding our renters. I am still miffed at them for their lack of respect but I have come to terms with it and as I revamp things a bit it seems to have helped my attitude. Which is a good thing. I had a horrible attitude for awhile. I admit it. I was less than enamored with life. But God is so good and I have seen that first hand repeatedly that I realize that I need to just get over it all and move on with things. So I am.
So today I worked on the "guest room" of which we have many in this house!!! Being empty nesters and all means that only one of our 5 bedrooms is actually used which seems quite silly and a bit of a waste but it is what is is. After a frustrating online experience with a discount wallpaper company (and I am still waiting on hearing back from them about a return I need to make) I finally found a border that would work at Menards. I should have just gone there first! The border went up in record time and I am quite happy with the results--may need to change out the bedding but things are looking good in the basement area now! If anyone chose to come visit us we could accomodate them nicely!!!
All in all---life is good! It is finally raining, the washer is humming, my hermit crabs are making scritching scratching sounds here on the bookcase next to me, I still have some Harrington's corn to cook for supper and I have a good book next to me by Brennan Manning that I have been wanting to read for some time so I think that will be my afternoon project. After all---i got a lot done early this morning so I should be allowed to kick back and enjoy life a bit!!!
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