Thursday, October 9, 2008

More Australian Words to learn!

I have had requests for more words so here it goes!!!!

adjustable spanner = crescent wrench
back-to-front = opposite
cane it = drive fast
diary = appointment book or calendar (Day Timer0
easy peasy = easy job or task
fine = (weather) clear and sunny, used instead of "fair"
give a gobful = to verbally abuse
his blood's worth bottling = a great guy
ice cream spider = soda float
jaffle = toasted sandwich
kip = to nap
lay by = lay away
Macca's (pronounced Macker's) = McDonald's
niggle = minor complaint, pain, inconvenience
oil = information (Give the oil on that project.)
panel beater = auto body repairman
p/w = per week, referring to rentals. Our house is a p/w rental as are most.
quids = something you feel strongly about (I wouldn't move for quids!)
rattle your dags = to ride your bike
sausage sizzle = weenie roast, cooking hot dogs on the BBQ. Great fundraiser here---they have stands set up all over on the weekends especially. A hot dog in a slice of bread with onions and some tomato sauce---yum!!!
toe-up = to set up an appointment
underdaks = underwear
village bike = promiscuous woman
waist pack = fanny pack (fanny in Australia means female genitalia so it is not normally used)
yabber = lots of talk
zine = small magazine

There you go---a few words to add to your vocab!!!!

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