So I mailed our ballots today--------the guy at the post was clueless....they are in these huge envelopes which are a couple millimeters over the size so it was going to cost 4 times as much to mail them and he said "bugger it---we will send them regular rate" so I hope they get there okay. I did find out that the regular rate to the US had gone up to $2.05 and I had sent some letters at the $2 rate and I think they got through okay so I think this will be fine. He wanted to fold them and I was afraid that would invalidate the ballot or something so I told him I would just pay the rate. Well, it is out of our hands now---not sure if our two votes make THAT big of a difference though!
I drove Chris into work today since he is flying to Brisbane today for a presentation to the CSR folks of the 5 year forecast. There are a bunch of them going to do the presentation I guess. I drove back in later to the mall and just really wasn't into shopping--can you believe that I am saying that??? I did find a couple things at Target that I needed and walked around the mall a bit before doing the grocery shopping. Chris will be happy that he won't have to do it.
My past couple of days have been kind of messed up because the high tide has been right when I usually walk first thing in the morning. There just isn't a lot of beach when the tides have been as high as they have been the past couple days so I have had to walk later in the morning and yesterday I actually got a little bit sunburned to my dismay! The difference of a few hours makes a huge impact on the old skin so I am going to have to slip slop, slap as the slogan here goes!!! Slip on a shirt (well I do that already!!! ), slop on the sunscreen slap on a hat. It is a catchy little motto, don't you think? Complete with a pelican (or something) singing it.
So the Austar folks called today to schedule my next appointment. DECEMBER 2nd!!!!!!! This is getting just a tad ridiculous!! I told her that the installer here this week had to order an extender arm and promised he would be back this week so she was going to follow up on that. I am NOT going to hold out any hope. We may never get it installed. It is really crazy and I have tried to be nice and patient but good grief----how can you keep in business with service like that/?? Because people like me are so nice and understanding.....
So tonight is my first night alone in the house ........i am a little nervous!!! I don't know why but I am!!! I have a good book someone recommended and I am going to stay up and read and eat junk food!!! Well, maybe just popcorn!!!
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