Friday, April 16, 2010

Pet Peeve--Warning--Rant Ahead

Bottle of 120 Target brand Claritin type pills (Bananas provided for perspective)
Looking in the bottle you can tell it is filled up about 1/8th of the way --if that!
The complete bottle of pills in the smallest of my set (can't remember what the heck you call them)
One pill next to the bananas.....
Well, it is one of those things that just drives me nuts!  Packaging that just does not fit the product.   I am fighting the allergies here and trying to find the perfect product that helps without making me totally worthless during the day because I am so sleepy.  I thought I would try the "cheap"version and went for the large bottle because it was so much cheaper.  Got it home, opened it up, took out the humongous wad of cotton (that should have been a clue) and found a teeeeeeny tinnny amount of pills.  Now I don't mind that the pills are small---small is great for me since I am not a great pill taker. But why, oh why must they package them in this huge pill container when one an 1/8th of the size would do.  I have SEEN smaller containers.  Or even put them in a blister pack.  Something!!!  It drives me nuts.
I know that you count on me to keep you apprised of all the trends and happenings out there so here is my contribution for the day----don't be deceived.  Packaging does not necessarily indicate what is actually inside the package!!!  You have now been warned.
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Unknown said...

it is just crazy..the waste of packaging...I would just as well like getting them in a baggie or something! ack!

Beth Ann said...

Totally agree, Beth! Nuts, absolutely nuts!!! Save a plastic tree!!!