Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Useless Information

Went to the library today since it was such an icky rainy day to load up on reading material while Chris is gone and found a book called "The World's Greatest Book of Useless Infomation". It is something that my brother in law, Carl, would like I think! So today I thought i would offer up some bits of wisdom from this book for your reading pleasure! There is a world of useless info out there just waiting to be told!

1. A "keeper" is the loop on the belt that holds the loose end.
2. D. H. Lawrence enjoyed taking off his clothes and climbing up mulberry trees.
3. John Grisham is a distant cousin of former president Bill Clinton.
4. The board game Scrabble can be found in 1 out of 3 American homes.
5. Between one and two horse jockeys are killed each year while horse racing.
6. Four percent of the food people eat in a lifetime is consumed in front of an open refrigerator.
7. The darker an olive is, the higher the oil content.
8. The sun's warming rays travel 93 million miles to reach earth.
9. The average lifespan of a human taste bud is 7 - 10 days.
10. People who attend church, synagogue, or other religious services once a week live to be an average age of 82 while non church goers live to an average age of 75.
11. Napoleon reportedly carried chocolate on all of his military campaigns.
12. In Iceland, tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult.

That's it for today. Amaze someone with your knowledge!!! :-)

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