Chris had a vendor to see in Eureka, CA so we jetted off there last weekend. Of course our travel plans are always a little bit convoluted but then I don't know what I would do if we did anything normally! Chris had to go to Pennsylvania on Thursday morning so we drove to Minneapolis to spend the night since he had a very early flight. He caught the hotel shuttle to the airport so I could sleep in---well that sure didn't happen! I got on the road and headed back to Mason City and then on Friday headed back to Minneapolis to meet him in the airport so we could fly to San Francisco. We had a good trip but got in pretty late ----3 am our time so we were dragging! On Saturday we headed to Eureka, the weather was pretty abysmal but we did get to see the Golden Gate bridge in the daytime which was great! It is a pretty neat thing to see and be able to drive across. We shared the driving so it wasn't too bad and we stopped along the way to see stuff so it was a nice drive.
Saturday was taken up with driving, got into the hotel around 5 and headed out to find a seafood place, saw a lighthouse and Chris got a great shot of Harry the Harbor Seal (I need to give him credit for a lot of the great pictures!). I have a Picasa album of photos and I will be happy to send that along if anyone wants to see all of our pictures. I will post a few select ones here over the next couple of days. I usually try to keep up with this day by day but I have been having some laptop issues so I didn't take it along with me this time. But all is well and I am trying to get back into the blogaspere.
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