I am now in Ohio with my mom and enjoyed a "villa" meeting and luncheon today and now we are just going to chill out after a huge lunch!!! Yummy lunch too----kind of a beef stew i guess over a biscuit and coconut cream pie for dessert. Of course everyone had to hear about Australia and I am sure I don't do it justice but I shared what I could with everyone!!! It is snowing here still and i am going to have to buy a new snow shovel for my mom as hers is pathetic!! The little strip on the edge bent and now it has a mind of its own and won't go straight!!! The maintainence guys seem to be a little slow on getting things plowed and shoveled but it is like everywhere else---they have had to make some cuts in their numbers so I am sure their crew is down in numbers. i tried to clear it off a bit but wasn't totally successful but let me tell you--------a lot better than last year in IOWA!!!!!!!!!!!! That was pretty miserable all winter!
And while I shovel snow Chris is dodging raindrops. He called yesterday and said that in less than 24 hours they got something crazy like 8 inches of rain so of course everything is flooded including the carpark where he parks when he is in the Townsville office. I am sure it will still be raining when I get back in a week and half so I will be sure to experience the wet also!!! He lost power around 9 pm so we will see if it comes back on....hopefully or else he is going to have a mess with the freezer and fridge. Ugh. I don't even want to think about that!!! So I will await his next phone call with the "report".....
I had a fabulous time in North Carolina with all my friends and it was hard to say goodbye to them but now this week will be fabulous wtih my mom and some time with my sister. I am so blessed!!! i will try to find something more exciting to write about....give me time!
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