Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving a few days early!!!

Waterfall at Paluma
I think the sun was in our eyes.......we weren't smiling!!!

So what should I write about today?? Hmmm....we decided to celebrate Thanksgiving a few days early this week----of course Chris has to work and Thursday night was getting a little bit difficult to make the dinner as we will be in Ayr Wednesday and Thursday and I didn't want to have to ask Aaron and Thom to do the cooking!!! Plus we will be getting ready on Thursday night to leave for Port Douglas on Friday morning so........we will celebrate turkey day on Tuesday instead of Thursday!! Works for me!!!

I was so excited yesterday when the postie brought me a CARE package from my sister!!! Yippee!!! My first real package here and it was filled with lots of goodies. Of course it was opened and "rifled" through by quarantine---there are a lot of things on the "do not send list" such as any kind of fruit, nuts, seeds, soil, plants, medicine, etc. Australia is pretty strict about letting things get into their country so you do have to make sure before you send that you don't have anything that would break the rules. Paula sent me REAL Q-tips (not the wimpy ones you find here), cocoa peeps!!!, coffee creamer (yum), and some "girl" stuff which I am sure quarantine had a great time looking at wondering why THAT was being sent! Hey, you get used to what you are used to and there are just some things that I miss!!! So anyway--THANK YOU, PAULA!!!

It is pretty hot and steamy here but we are surviving. I am trying to not use the oven (though today it will be going for the old turkey breast and pumpkin pie!) and the dryer and we have all the fans on high so we will make it. We are all trying to store up the heat so that when we come back to the US we will be warm!! Ha! It is just a fact of life here that it is hot and we have enjoyed the really nice warm weather so now we will just get used to the hotter stuff!!! No big deal!

Oh and Austar was to come yesterday. I know you guys all want to know the latest!! The technician called me on Friday and said that he would come on Monday to install it as he had all the parts of the mount that he needed and had lined up someone to help him with it. He had another house in Bushland Beach (the next little burb down the road) that he was doing---a 3 story that they had been waiting for 2 years to do!!! So they were going to knock them both out in one day. Yesterday I get a call at 9:30 from Daryl saying that the mount disappeared from the warehouse and no one knows where it is. He was a little mad to put it mildly as he had spent all weekend moving and had left Cairns at 4 am to come do these jobs. He expected me to yell about it and I was very nice to him---it isn't his fault the company is incompetent!!! So he ordered yet another mount from Brisbane and hopes to get back this week but I am not going to hold my breath. We will be gone on Friday and next Monday so those days won't work. I did not even tell Chris they were coming because I just knew it wasn't going to happen! This poor guy was really upset ----he talked to me for about 10 minutes and just kept apologizing and all and it is not his fault! But trust me--if we ever DO manage to get it installed I will be contacting the main office to tell them my feelings about my "welcome to Australia" by them!!! LOL In the big scheme of things it is not a biggie but they need to work on their logistics or something!

The tide is messing up my walking schedule this week! I need to walk first thing in the morning and it is too high of tide right now. Thom ran later in the day yesterday and felt sick afterwards----I guess I am not being a good enough mom and telling him to not go in the heat of the day! I just figured the boys were smart enough to figure out that it is really hot then!!!

I have the pumpkin cooked (my first made from scratch pumpkin pie...) and will do that this morning. I am a little worried about the oven though as it is less than reliable when it comes to baking. I can't wait to come use Dad's oven at Christmas to make some decent cookies and to be able to have CRISCO!!!! I bought what I think is pie crust so I will keep you posted on how this whole Thanksgiving thing goes. No french fried onions either so no yummy green beans.....they just don't know what they are missing!!!

Well enough ramblings for one morning!!! Will fill you in on the festivities later!

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