So i am going to chill out this afternoon and probably just hang out in the room and read until dinner time when Jeanette and I are going to meet another woman who is coming in for the sessions tomorrow and go to dinner with her which will be nice. Not sure what we will do tomorrow---we will have to check out of the room way before the guys are done so we will probalby just hang out around the pool or something. I don't know!! We will see!
The resort is beautiful and the island is small and pretty uncommercial (is that a word?) compared to what some are and it is just a really pretty place with nice beaches and great places to hike. The "team" can go on a hike at 5:30 am tomorrow but I am thinking that that is not going to happen with Chris as it is optional!!! I tihnk he will choose sleep over the hike!!
Before I forget today is my mom's birthday so Happy Birthday Mother!!! Next year is the big one!!! Chris' mom would have celebrated her 71st birthday yesterday and my nephew Thomas will celebrate his birthday tomorrow so happy birthday to him too! Of course all my days are 15 hours ahead of you....so it isn't really her birthday quite yet!!!
Will try to take more pics to share of the island before we go.
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