Saturday, July 12, 2008


Now when I say VICTORY what I mean is that we found a coffee maker!!!! I know in the big scheme of things it isn't that big of a deal but it really is!!! We got on the road this morning fairly early after talking via phone to Micah and via computer (Skype) with the Marshalls including Snickerdoodle who even waved goodbye to us!!! Being able to see each other makes a huge difference and we were so happy to be able to hook up with them. We need to set up more of a schedule to be able to chat with everyone but when you have to figure the 14 hour difference it makes things a little bit more complicated.

We set out for Domain Central which is this huge shopping plaza with a bunch of furniture, white goods, and electronic stores in it and started going through them. The first one was where we found the coffee makers and we ended up getting 2 of them because we will most likely be in 2 different places. The price was right---she gave us a deal and i think that is what you do, especially if you are buying a quantity of items. We spent the whole day there----went from store to store trying to figure out price ranges and what we would like. The girl in the one bedding store was very helpful-----showed us all about the beds (Micah could have given her a run for her money though) and explained the springs, etc. I just got caught up in the "joey pocket spring" idea which was kind of a spring within a spring. Anyway, we tested out a bunch of mattresses and found one that was reasonably priced that we liked so we will see when we decide on a place what we end up with. Whew. It was exhausting. Then we looked at furniture and found that they have teak and mahogany for really really inexpensive compared to the US so we may end up with those types of woods in our decor. Then on to talk to the man about washers and dryers----we probably spent an hour learning about them!!! They have a lot more front loaders which are more economical and water savers. Then they have the combo washer/dryer things which take a looooooonnnnnggggg time to run loads in. Then there were condensing dryers which don't put out the heat that the other dryers do so that your house stays cooler.....which is an issue in the tropics. Most people hang their clothes outside but I don't think you can get away without a it was all very very confusing but this guy helped a lot to help me understand.

So we were tired after the day of walking from shop to shop but at least we got some ideas and I think we entertained some folks with our questions!!! They aren't used to Americans obviously. We headed to the mall to see if we could get my cell phone or mobile as they call them (Mo byle) . The one I wanted they did not have but I got a Nokia that will work as a modem for my computer .......if we could only get it to work. Chris came back and spent 2 hours trying to get it to work and was unsuccessful. he called Telstra and got no satisfaction so I think we are going to take my laptop and my phone into the store tomorrow and let them figure it out!!! He was getting pretty mad at the whole situation!!!

Aaron should be about halfway to Melbourne by now----I am nervous for him but I am so glad he has Tom to travel with him. They will be fine I am sure. And Micah is in North Carolina picking up my car so everyone is busy!!!

It is getting noisy outside---but then it is Saturday night!!! This is kind of a lame blog but i am tired and our food just got delivered. Oh--I did cook a meal here last night!!! Finally got some stuff to cook and it was nice to eat here so I am going to try to figure out some more things I can cook with the limited stuff I have here. It is better than eating out all the time though we do usually do breakfast and lunch in. Okay---I am really rambling to you soon!

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