Friday, July 18, 2008

An invasion of sorts...

I bet you are wondering about that title, aren't you??? Well, let me explain.....when I came back from lunch at Lorrae's today there was a gaggle of ladies checking in. Not just any gaggle mind you....Red Hat Society ladies! Masses of them...all staying here in our building....all basically clueless about life and the niceties of moving out of the front of the doors so others can get through!!! Tonight when we came back from dinner there were gobs of them everywhere....and I do mean everywhere. The good thing is that they are "older" so hopefully they will go to bed early and not party and keep us awake late!!! Let's hope!!

Weird thing has happened today also----the folks that are renting our house were a little late on the rent so we contacted the realtor and he got right on it. The company had set up an automatic payment but for some reason it didn't kick in like it should so their secretary took care of wiring the money. However she got a little overzealous and added 2 extra 00's to the number and so we had 10 months worth of rent wired into our account instead of 1!!!! Imagine my surprise when I checked our balance and saw what amounted to a lot of extra money!!!! So now I am trying to get the overage sent back to them and make sure that we are all even!!! Crazy!!!

Went to lunch at Lorrae's today and one of her friends came up from the Burdekin region and we had such a nice time. Lorrae always has tea and some sweet thing afterwards so i am living high!!! For supper tonight we went to one of our favorites---Scirroco which is just down the street. i had some funky prawn dish and the bodies were all in there so I wasn't all that thrilled about it but I managed to eat most of it. I just don' t like to see all the antennae and eyeballs looking at me!!! We had a fabulous wine and dessert and the nicest waitress from Seychelles who was really great. We always try to talk to our waiters/waitresses and find out a little about them when we go out and we have met some really interesting folks that way. It was a great way to celebrate our 26th anniversary---(thanks to all who have sent their best wishes today, too!!!) and now we are going to relax in our "unit" and watch some footie and chill out.

Tomorrow will be more furniture shopping and maybe even sleep in a bit if we can!!! That will be nice for Chris---he has been going at it full tllt all week so a day or two of down time will be good. Oh and our shipment of about 20 boxes got delivered safe and sound today so we are happy. We shipped our golf clubs and forgot all about their rigid standards of not bringing foreign soil in so they called Chris and said either they could clean our clubs (for a price) or destroy them. We opted to have them cleaned.......

Happy Anniversary to us and happy weekend!!!

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