Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday

So today is Palm Sunday and we didn't have too much of a triumphant entry in church today and it makes me wonder why!! I always thought that was the great part of Holy Week was the beginning of it so I guess I was a little bit disappointed in that. Maybe it is because a lot of people don't participate in the other services during Holy Week and so they want everyone to understand it today or something. I don't know.

Buddy and Holly were in the paper today----slow news day in Mason City. Article was on empty nesters and their pets and of course they were a result of our empty nest. Buddy was very photogenic and Holly did not cooperate so she is in the very background of the picture. I am sure Chris is going to get ribbed at work tomorrow. I tried to keep him out of the article but I imagine there will be some who see and comment to him on it.

Getting ready for our trip-----lots to do,lots to do!!!

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