Wow---day 3 already! i hate that the picture of the shower and the toilet are turned sideways in my earlier post but I couldn't get them turned once they got posted!! Oh well. You get the idea!
Today I spent a little bit of time by the pool---well actually not even close to the pool but in the vicinity. It was very deserted which suited me just fine---put in the ipod and started reading. Too bad the book I got is one I had read before but with my memory it is brand new!!! LOL The weird thing is that the electricity went out in the room this afternoon for awhile. Even weirder is that one section, the bathroom, still had electricity but the sitting room and the bedroom were without. Very strange. The AC went on and off and finally kicked back on or else it would have been very hot since it was in the high 80's here today. I decided to just let things progress and see what happened before I got panicked and in an hour it all came back on ...very strange.
Chris had an interesting day....said the 2 plants he went to were really really messed up and if the other ones are no better there is no way he would take a job if they offered it. He said the plants were filthy and that is one of his big pet peeves. And the machinery is very old and has not been maintained well so it would make things really difficult if they were not willing to invest the money in it to fix it. Should be interesting. And Mark was not in good spirits as he had put a huge hole in his bumper of his BMW earlier in the morning as he was hooking up their Sea Doos to take them in for servicing.....guess it was an interesting ride.
We walked to a nice restaurant called SugarTrain and had garlic prawns (YUMMY) and I had a delicious Mississippi Mud for dessert with raspberries. Chris had a orange and almond cake and it was yummy too. We walked back and found a little mini mart where I got bandaids and antiseptic for my festering blisters on my feet (doesn't that conjure up images?) and some drinks and Doritos!!! Woo hoo. Figured with Chris gone for the next 2 days I needed to set in some provisions.
So since it is about 5 in the morning in Iowa I guess I will close for now. Only 8 pm here and Chris is about ready to hit the hay--poor guy.. The day did not turn out like he thought it would and he is thinking and stewing about how to fix the plants....time will tell if this is something he can do or not.
So tomorrow he heads out and I have 2 days here alone but will be going to lunch with Mark's wife sometime --probably tomorrow. Will keep you posted!!!!!!
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