Haven't blogged for a bit---been busy.....I know that is hard to believe but I actually have been. Busy with what, you may ask?? Well.....what else should one do when one is snowed in----but scrapbook? Now I have never bought fully into the whole scrapper scene---it is something that a lot of my friends have done for a long time but I fought it --called it a cult when I saw them roll out all their wheelie carts with drawers of papers and stickers and glue dots and Cricut cutters and all.... I said it was expensive (it is!) and that I didn't have time for it (didn't used to). But then it happened.....
As you know we celebrated my mom's 80th birthday recently and I had grandiose ideas of what to do. The party was a huge success due mostly to Copeland Oaks who provided fabulous food and service and facilities for the event. The children had little to do with it all to be quite honest. We had a nice crowd and my mom was pleased. Bottom line--that is what mattered most. After all---it was her day and she was the birthday girl!
So when I was planning I thought about the guest book idea and wanted to do something a little different. Had great plans. Even took a photo printer with us to print pictures on the spot. Quickly bagged that idea!! What was I thinking??? Who wants to be printing pictures while you are catching up with friends?? So instead we took as many pictures as we could and I decided to do what I said I wouldn't do....scrapbook.
It has kind of taken over my life this week. Granted I had no desire to go out in the minus 20 or lower temperatures so it wasn't a stretch but my goodness.....what a mess I have in my dining room. It is ridiculous. And the trips to Hobby Lobby. (I did brave the cold a few times for my craft.) Even more ridiculous. So it seems every item that I own that could remotely be used in a scrapbook is out on the table. Or on the floor. Scissors that cut designs, hole punches, glue sticks, glue dots, ribbons, stickers, chip board, fancy papers, markers of all shapes and sizes and don't forget the paper cutters and mats !!! It is all there in a tangled mess covering what used to be our dining room table.
And pictures....millions of pictures....cut into masterpieces which are now transformed into pages in a memory book that I hope my mom will look at over and over. Pictures from the party, pictures from years gone by, funny pictures, silly pictures, pictures with captions, serious pictures, pictures of people with party hats on (granted I put those on with stickers but they are there!).
As my week was overwhelmed with making the perfect scrapbook for my mom I thought that maybe it should not stop there.....what about all those pictures in the storage closet in the basement spare room that are of years gone by....the boys growing up, vacations taken, events celebrated.....wouldn't that just make a perfect scrapbook??
Last night we watched the movie "New In Town" (thanks Netflix) and it cracked me up because the story line is based in a town in Minnesota and guess what the ladies are into there---scrapbooking!!! I thought it was most timely to watch that and I had no idea that that was in the story line!!!
As I type this an email just came in advertising papercrafts on sale at Jo ann Fabrics!!!! Coincidence?? I think not.......after all....it is going to be a long cold snowy winter here in Iowa.
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