We had a good trip out----I rode with Bob and we were fortunate that we had an extra car coming out or I don't think my suitcase would have made it!!! We were all pretty jam packed filled with all kinds of things to use this week or to donate including 3 power chairs and 5 wheelchairs. Medical care here is sketchy to say the least. They may be able to see a doctor but if they are told to keep off a broken leg, for example, where we would be given crutches to get around --there are no funds or provisions for anything like that so you can imagine that medical equipment is really needed.
On the trip out we were able to see many eagles and hawks and pheasants --the landscape is beautiful. We stopped at Al's Oasis for buffalo burgers (Yum) and arrived here on the reservation around 4:30 with no problems. Great trip, good conversation and I am making new friends. We got our orientation from Russell and are settling in for the night. Morning will come early. Too early I am afraid!!! I have a room to myself---the advantage of being the one single lady here ! We have 9 team members here tonight, more will be coming on Wednesday but some will be leaving on Wednesday and Thursday so our numbers will fluctuate. I am in for the long haul so I will be able to meet more people and have more interaction hopefully with the Lakota people. I am excited and pray that God uses me!!!!
Goodnight to all. Glad I can blog while I am here---hopefully I will be able to write about something interesting!!! But for now my brain is tired as is my body....