Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mission, South Dakota

Welcome to Mission, South Dakota where AT & T cell phone coverage is non-existent!! Everyone else here seems to have some kind of coverage but me.....the lone AT & T phone but even theirs is spotty. The great thing---wireless internet so tonight once I got settled in I was able to Skype with Chris so that was even better than a phone call because we could see each other! Amazing that I miss him so much already. :-(

We had a good trip out----I rode with Bob and we were fortunate that we had an extra car coming out or I don't think my suitcase would have made it!!! We were all pretty jam packed filled with all kinds of things to use this week or to donate including 3 power chairs and 5 wheelchairs. Medical care here is sketchy to say the least. They may be able to see a doctor but if they are told to keep off a broken leg, for example, where we would be given crutches to get around --there are no funds or provisions for anything like that so you can imagine that medical equipment is really needed.

On the trip out we were able to see many eagles and hawks and pheasants --the landscape is beautiful. We stopped at Al's Oasis for buffalo burgers (Yum) and arrived here on the reservation around 4:30 with no problems. Great trip, good conversation and I am making new friends. We got our orientation from Russell and are settling in for the night. Morning will come early. Too early I am afraid!!! I have a room to myself---the advantage of being the one single lady here ! We have 9 team members here tonight, more will be coming on Wednesday but some will be leaving on Wednesday and Thursday so our numbers will fluctuate. I am in for the long haul so I will be able to meet more people and have more interaction hopefully with the Lakota people. I am excited and pray that God uses me!!!!

Goodnight to all. Glad I can blog while I am here---hopefully I will be able to write about something interesting!!! But for now my brain is tired as is my body....

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dreaming of warmer days!

So I am dreaming of warmer days....the above picture was my morning routine on Saunders Beach and I had to hunt up the picture to remind myself of warmer weather since it is a chilly minus 11 this morning here in Iowa. I know that warmer days will be coming in the months ahead but it is hard to remember that when you have to wear quadruple layers just to keep warm. But it could be much worse! As a lot of the US braces for winter weather it appears that we may miss this latest blast which would be nice!

I am getting ready for the mission trip next week and am trying to get things organized in my head if not quite packed yet. At least I am thinking about it! I do have all my card making stuff packed up---I am doing a craft with the Big Brothers Big Sisters there (I think!!!) so I organized a ton of materials so that we can make some pretty cards!! The rest of the packing is just clothes and it won't be anything fancy since it is a work week!!! Pretty easy compared to my usual quandary over what to pack!

Hopefully I can spend some time today reading up a little bit on the Lakota people before our trek out there on Sunday morning. The organization that we will be working with is the Tree of Life Ministries and it is sponsored by the Volunteers in Mission for the UM Church. They have had a presence here for a long time so they have a pretty organized structure going on and that is a good thing. If you are interested in seeing more about the ministry the website offers some insight.
I will be taking pictures and blogging but most likely will not be able to post until I get back on the 7th or later since I am not taking my laptop along. I don't need to be distracted when I am there to work, right??? I will be able to get email on my phone, etc. but not sure what the coverage will be there either---I really do not have any idea but I will adapt to whatever the situation is.

Please cover our team in prayer--we have 13 going from our church alone but I think there are 25 or so total going this week or at least for various parts of it. It should be a great time of learning and work and hopefully growth!!! Can't wait to share it all with you!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Final Chapter---The Ten Commandments Laws of the Heart

We have reached the end of our study book!!! Paula and I have been discussing in our blogs this book by Joan Chittister and I got the final chapter "The Second Law of Love". "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39

I liked this chapter because it was pretty succinct and to the point for me and a great way to end the book. This commandment seems pretty direct, doesn't it?? No flowery words or long list of things to do. BUT I do believe it may be one of the hardest for me to put into practice. While doing for others comes naturally to me and to a majority of the world the heart of this commandment is that we must love ourselves and sometimes that just does not happen. Perhaps it is because of what Chittister says that to do this "means that we must also accept in ourselves what there is about us that we don't like, or fear, or devalue." I think she hit the nail on the head there. "The second great commandment is a warning to us all: we will reject in others whatever it is that we fear in ourselves." It is those things that make us wary of loving our neighbor because in essence we see our own shortcomings in them.

Self-acceptance is sometimes a difficult thing to embrace at times. I have struggled with that many times in my life--not sure why---but sometimes I don't have a great feeling of self worth. I have evolved a great deal over my many years :-) and am so much better at loving myself than I used to be. I mean after all, God made me, right? And He loves me. And that should be proof enough that I am a person of worth if I am in His eyes. Funny how sometimes my mind gets all mixed up around that fact.

The author outlines that the first tablet (1-4) deals with creaturehood and how we need to come to terms with our own pride and our place in the universe. The second Sinai Tablet challenges us to those "ethical standards that can make the entire world safe, whole, and fully human." If we honor all of the commandments it will permit us to live a healthy life and become a holy and complete person.

Chittister always ends her chapters with little gems to think about and ponder and the one that I really liked and would include as my conclusion today is as follows: "William Shakespeare puts it well. He writes: 'I do desire we may be better strangers.' It isn't that we must all be friends together. It is that we must all be better humans together. Gonna work on that one!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are You Listening???

Yes, it has taken awhile but finally I am feeling a little bit more involved here. I fought it for a long time-----I was quite honestly enjoying being an empty nester with no responsibilities and honestly---I think that was what I needed to do for awhile. But I am moving on.....kind of. God has been working hard on me and sometimes I don't listen....I need ears the size of this guy above!!!

So what am I embarking on ?? Adventures, I tell you! Next week I will be going to the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota on a mission trip for the WHOLE week. Our tasks preliminarily sound like they will be painting, doing odds and ends around the newly constructed youth center, facilitating a craft ( nothing fancy) card making class for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters and filling in wherever I am needed. Not really quite sure what to expect but I am sure I can go with the flow and find something to do. I am not one who just wants to sit around on these things when there is work to be done. One of the neat things is that a big part of the trip will be educational for me---the Lakota tribe does a lot of educating the volunteers who come to help so that will be an awesome part of it. I know so little about our Native American brothers and sisters and I am really looking forward to that part of it. Should be fun and enlightening and hopefully I can be of some help while I am there.

I am also getting involved with the organization of a health ministries program at our church. It may end up being more of a congregational care approach and we are going to try to just identify and organize what is already occurring in the church and then identify the greatest needs. I am excited about this---I think it is something that should be fairly easy to get going. AND I am already signed on in a way to do visitation---Pastor Jim and I are going to go visit a lady tomorrow and I am hoping that I can take on a weekly visit with her and help her out in just having some social interaction. It will be good for me too! Win Win!!!

So I am trying to listen again. I think I had an earwax issue for awhile but I am trying to clean those out and listen to what God has for me. Since it looks like we will be here awhile (not a lot of house hunters right now) I finally came to the conclusion that I need to do something more than I am doing. The first step was listening to what He was telling me......I keep praying for those giant Qtips to keep working.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Posting from Windy Iowa

Wow--it has been awhile since I posted! Not a whole lot going on this week--the weather has been extremely gross--freezing rain, sleet, rain, more freezing rain. So I have chosen to stay inside as much as possible. I picked Chris up at the Minneapolis airport yesterday and we got home just as it was getting pretty nasty outside so we settled in for the night with some yummy tortilla soup and watched CNN and Hope for Haiti before someone, and I won't say who that someone was, fell asleep on the couch and I had to encourage him to move to the bed. And now we are up early.....on a Saturday....not quite sure why but our normal routine is broken.

Gonna leave in a bit to go help with Angel Food Distribution. If any of you out there have not heard of it it is an awesome food program that ANYONE can participate in. Several people here in Mason City have worked hard to get Mason City as a host site which means the food comes here for distribution and folks can order and pick up locally instead of going to Clear Lake or some other close community. The thing that I like best about it is that it is open to anyone. So many times there are gaps in programs and people that can benefit are not able to participate because they somehow do not meet the requirements. All that you have to do with this program is order, pay, and show up to pick up your order. I know I have blogged about it before but it is worth repeating---if you want to save some money check and see if there is one near you. I always order online which makes it easier for me but you can order in person at the sites and each host site will have information on how to do that.

So it is off we go in a bit to help with the distribution....gonna be slip sliding our way there I think. I will let Chris drive......

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hoarfrost (Yep--you read correctly!) in Iowa and Minnesota

You know I may grumble and grouse about the cold and wind and snow here in Iowa but today was simply beautiful beyond words when we woke up. The hoarfrost covered the trees and there was sparkly, glittery beauty all around us. So instead of my usual whining and complaining I decided to take some pictures that would show just how pretty it is. Most were taken in our yard and a few on our way to Minneapolis. It is not nearly as pretty in Minneapolis---there is much less snow and none of the pretty trees around at all so thanks, Mason City, for showing me the beauty of winter in my backyard.

What if church wasn't just a building? | Home |

What if church wasn't just a building? | Home |

Friday, January 15, 2010

Back to The Ten Commandments

Back to blogging about the book my sister, Paula, and I are reading. We took a little Christmas break but we are winding down to the end of the book by Joan Chittister. The chapter I am "in charge" of this week is the chapter that deals with the 10th commandment: "You shall not covet your neighbor's goods." Exodus 20:17

Chittister relates several stories in this chapter to illustrate her points and even though I felt that she was a little repetitive in this chapter I was able to get a few of her points. She presents the argument that has been going on for generations as to whether the commandments are more action centered than idea centered and if they are concerned more toward ethical behavior or the development of right attitudes. I would like to think that perhaps they are a little of both??? But obviously we cannot "obey" them without actually taking action. I mean really----you can talk about something endlessly but if you don't take action what good is it?

The chapter outlines the difference of the interpretation of the last two commandments in different cultures and perhaps the easiest for me to understand was the definition that we as Christians should have of these commandments. To put it simply we need to be separate from the material aspects of life in order to appreciate the spiritual aspects.

Summed up in the following words I can make sense of this chapter: "The essence of the ninth and tenth commandments is, in the end, really the substance, the embodiment of the first commandment: It is the putting away of idols, the melting into God, the awareness there there is only one thing in life that matters. Finally." I love that visual---melting into God!!!! I need to remember that one!

I wasn't taken by this chapter as I was with some of the earlier ones and I am not sure why. Maybe my attentions are elsewhere (like with those in Haiti) but I did not get too many ah ha moments in this chapter. Maybe Paula got more out of it than i did. I did think it was a bit repetitive of earlier chapters. Once again the author reminds us that it is not wealth or having things that is the issue here---it is what we choose to do with what we have that makes the difference. True, true!

KarmaTube: Children Full of Life

KarmaTube: Children Full of Life

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sadness and Despair in Haiti

By now everyone has heard about the horrific 7.0 earthquake in Haiti on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. I, like everyone else, am trying to make sense of this disaster which has hit a country that already had more suffering in it that is imaginable. There are many people who have done mission work in Haiti in orphanages and other areas and for them my heart is heavy as they have personal first hand experience with the people of this country. It is just horrible to watch the images on television but to know that there are people who are willing and trained to go minister in these situations is the heart warming part of this story. Sometimes disasters bring out the best in people and somehow the love of God becomes evident to others in the simple offering of a bottle of water. My heart is breaking today, though, for this country, for the people who are still to be rescued and for the families involved who have no idea where their loved ones are.

Of course there are so many organizations that are mobilized and ready to help at this point which is such a wonderful thing. The United Methodist Church always has such a great way of stepping in and they are taking donations on their website----if you are so inclined please contribute as UMCOR is one of the best organizations at getting your complete donation to the area that needs aid.

The Red Cross is also doing a pretty neat thing---if you text the word Haiti to 90999 you will be able to donate $10 immediately to help those in Haiti. A confirmation text will come back to you and a simple answer YES will allow you to donate $10 which will be added onto your mobile phone bill. Pretty simple and fast way to make a small donation. If everyone who has a cell phone does this simple donation millions will be raised. What a great thing to do and it means giving up one meal out to make the donation to help.

God is there in Haiti---even though it is so hard to understand when disasters like this happen---we KNOW that He is there and my prayer is that the Haitian people will feel His presence and his loving arms around them. On my knees today for those who are suffering.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Doing What I Said I Wouldn't Do!

Haven't blogged for a bit---been busy.....I know that is hard to believe but I actually have been. Busy with what, you may ask?? Well.....what else should one do when one is snowed in----but scrapbook? Now I have never bought fully into the whole scrapper scene---it is something that a lot of my friends have done for a long time but I fought it --called it a cult when I saw them roll out all their wheelie carts with drawers of papers and stickers and glue dots and Cricut cutters and all.... I said it was expensive (it is!) and that I didn't have time for it (didn't used to). But then it happened.....

As you know we celebrated my mom's 80th birthday recently and I had grandiose ideas of what to do. The party was a huge success due mostly to Copeland Oaks who provided fabulous food and service and facilities for the event. The children had little to do with it all to be quite honest. We had a nice crowd and my mom was pleased. Bottom line--that is what mattered most. After all---it was her day and she was the birthday girl!

So when I was planning I thought about the guest book idea and wanted to do something a little different. Had great plans. Even took a photo printer with us to print pictures on the spot. Quickly bagged that idea!! What was I thinking??? Who wants to be printing pictures while you are catching up with friends?? So instead we took as many pictures as we could and I decided to do what I said I wouldn't do....scrapbook.

It has kind of taken over my life this week. Granted I had no desire to go out in the minus 20 or lower temperatures so it wasn't a stretch but my goodness.....what a mess I have in my dining room. It is ridiculous. And the trips to Hobby Lobby. (I did brave the cold a few times for my craft.) Even more ridiculous. So it seems every item that I own that could remotely be used in a scrapbook is out on the table. Or on the floor. Scissors that cut designs, hole punches, glue sticks, glue dots, ribbons, stickers, chip board, fancy papers, markers of all shapes and sizes and don't forget the paper cutters and mats !!! It is all there in a tangled mess covering what used to be our dining room table.

And pictures....millions of pictures....cut into masterpieces which are now transformed into pages in a memory book that I hope my mom will look at over and over. Pictures from the party, pictures from years gone by, funny pictures, silly pictures, pictures with captions, serious pictures, pictures of people with party hats on (granted I put those on with stickers but they are there!).

As my week was overwhelmed with making the perfect scrapbook for my mom I thought that maybe it should not stop there.....what about all those pictures in the storage closet in the basement spare room that are of years gone by....the boys growing up, vacations taken, events celebrated.....wouldn't that just make a perfect scrapbook??

Last night we watched the movie "New In Town" (thanks Netflix) and it cracked me up because the story line is based in a town in Minnesota and guess what the ladies are into there---scrapbooking!!! I thought it was most timely to watch that and I had no idea that that was in the story line!!!

As I type this an email just came in advertising papercrafts on sale at Jo ann Fabrics!!!! Coincidence?? I think not.......after is going to be a long cold snowy winter here in Iowa.

Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year---A Fresh Start

Sometimes we all need a fresh start. 2009 was a really difficult year for a lot of people. For me personally it proved to be yet another year filled with ups and downs and challenges and decisions. I think I came through pretty well! I can not say that I did anything major that had a positive effect on any number of people but I do think that it was a positive year for me in many ways and hopefully for those around me also.

A new year always presents new opportunities----time to reevaluate and determine what the year will look like. Of course we can never anticipate all that is to come and to honest---I don't think I want to know what is to come. Kind of like when I was pregnant so many years ago---it was before they would tell you the sex of the baby you were having and if I were pregnant today (oh my!) I would not want to know. I still like the element of surprise a bit.

So what are my thoughts about 2010? Hard to narrow it all down today but I want to reach out more. I have been somewhat introverted the past 6 months---I was happy to be back in the US and happy to be able to visit with family and friends. But I limited myself. I did not grab onto opportunities that I had taken on before. Not quite sure why but this year I think I need to stretch myself a bit more. Maybe I was being selfish? I think a bit. Hard to admit that but yes---as I think about it more I admit it---I was selfish. I was enjoying doing things for me, just for me, and while that is not always a bad thing this year is going to be different. I am going to test my limits----stretch myself and do what may not always be the comfortable thing to do. It is hard to put yourself out there, you know?? It involves risking rejection, the unknown, and testing personal limitations but I am going to try. God has blessed me in so many ways and it is really incredibly selfish of me to keep that to myself. So in whatever small ways I can make a difference I am going to try. I will keep you posted on my progress.....who knows what 2010 will bring.....

Saturday, January 2, 2010


These are views of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago. It was beautiful!!! I apologize that these pics are all disjointed---still learning how to post on my blog from my new MacBook and I don't have it all quite figured out yet! There are lots more pictures posted on earlier posts!!! Enjoy!
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And yet more Chicago!

We stayed at The Drake--all lit up below!!!
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More Chicago scenes

Fancy Schmancy toilet paper
We ate at this table both mornings for breakfast with a view of Lake Shore Drive and Michigan Avenue. Lovely!
A view of the Palms in The Drake in preparation for New Year's Eve
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Classic Chicago picture----woman in fur coat walking bundled up doggie who is peeing on the nearest available item....priceless.
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Views of Chicago!!

We spent a couple of days in Chicago and had a great time! Definitely the way to end a vacation with family----some couple time after all the traveling and festivities and it gave us something to look forward to on the way home! I love going to Chicago---we used to try to go there when we lived in Freeport and in Hawthorne Woods with the boys and we have some great memories of times there---along with one time when our spare tire got stolen off the van!!! Anyway, it was great and Chris and I had a super time! I did not post when I was there because I refuse to pay for internet at high priced hotels which are already getting money hand over fist!!!! The least they could do is give you free internet, right? So my silent protest was to not buy!!! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!