We have had such a fantastic day!!!! I am so happy that we are here!!! This was such a great idea!!! We checked out of the hotel this morning and drove around, explored the little shops at Amelia Island Plantation, walked a lot and just enjoyed a slow pace. It is pretty uncrowded at this point and I hope it stays that way. There are billions of For Sale signs everywhere---Florida has been hit pretty hard and it is kind of sad and will take awhile to come back. As a matter of fact the place where we are staying filed Chapter 11 very recently and they are trying to reorganize it now so that is just another sign of the times. Sad but true.
While we were in one of the shops today we overheard this man asking the clerk something and we just had to walk out before we cracked up. He was looking at this shell that had been shellacked ( see picture above) and was going on and on about how there were hundreds of them on the beach. His question to the clerk was "are these fish scales from really big fish?" and her response was YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't know exactly what came out of that shell but it was obviously a bi-valve and not fish scales!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness.
After that incident we went to the chapel and as we were sitting in the meditation garden we heard this crash. We went to investigate along with some other women coming out of the chapel and here these idiot golfers had driven their golf cart off the path over a little bridge and had landed it almost in the water--actually I think part of it was in the water. And they were all laughing and cussing up a storm but let me tell you----I would not have wanted to have been the one to call the ranger to tell him that they had to tow the cart out......I am thinking there might have been some adult beverages involved. There are dweebs everywhere!!!
We spent some time talking to a girl from the Nature Center and she was telling us about all the birds we could see---did see a snake bird and a blue herron without even trying and also a bunch of turtles so we are going to try to go back and see them when we have our cameras. She said that they offer tours so we might check into that but we shall see how the week goes.
We stopped at my favorite----Harris Teeter---got some groceries and got to our villa about 10 minutes after we could check in and it is perfect for us for the week. 3 bedrooms and lots of room to spread out so once the boys get here on Tuesday we will be set!!! Slow nignt tonight---gonna kick back and relax and enjoy the views----already walked on the beach here a bit and will hit it in the morning. Life is good. We are so blessed!
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