Sunday, August 16, 2009

So Chris wants me to write a book...

Chris hooked me up with this website called FastPencil where you can write books and get them published ---for a fee of course but it is a neat concept since you can actually suck your blogs into it. So far I have only been able to get the last 25 posts put in there but i will see if I can figure out how to get the older ones in.

But anyhoo---Chris seems to think I have something worthwhile to say or maybe it is that he is tired of listening to me and wants me to redirect my energies??? Could be a little bit of both. Let me know what you think....subjects, musings, ramblings, devotional types of material?? I am game to give it a go!

1 comment:

Jen Hedrick said...

Oh heck yessssss! I checked out the Fast Pencil info and it's such a neat idea. I definitely think Chris is right and a man with a corn dog that big should be taken seriously........