You know I like to think that I am pretty well informed and on top of things but I certainly am not. I live in a bubble. And I don't like it!!! My life is going along just peachy keen and then something happens that brings to my mind that I just am pretty naive about everything that is going on around me. Stopped at the post office this morning to mail a few things and used the handy dandy automated machine thingy since it is usually MUCH faster! A lady was kind of hanging around after I got started and I told her I had just a couple more to go and then she could have it. All she needed to do was weigh a letter and asked if she could do that and I told her that sure she could and if she wanted me to help her I would. Well, she was soo oooo grateful for just that simple little thing and as we walked out together she proceeded to tell me that she had just been laid off and was on a deadline for doing medical stuff and that was what she was mailing out. And that when they were telling her that she was getting laid off she developed the shingles--right then and there. I asked her her name and it is Jane so throw up a prayer for Jane, will ya?
Also my dear friend Teresa from Epworth UMC is on a trip to Mexico ---kind of a neat thing that happened after she went on a mission trip with Samaritan's Purse to deliver shoeboxes. She was asked to come do training for children's ministry which is VERY cool. Well she got there and arrived safe and sound with her luggage, they stopped to do some quick shopping and suitcase and backpack was stolen out of their locked car. Now they left her clothes but took all the materials she had taken for training which I am sure was a lot of stuff. And they took the stuff in her backpack---passport, camera, phone, etc. I am so bummed for her and immediately started praying for her but I would ask that you all cover her in prayer also. She will get her passport okay since she had her id and stuff with her but it will be a lot of work to try to get all her supplies and training materials together in a day or so in a country where it won't be nearly as easy to find stuff. So she is on my mind too. And my bubble expanded a little bit today and I decided that I need to get out of it a bit...so join me with special thoughts and prayers for her . She is such a great child of God and has so much to offer.....I am just praying that God uses this somehow someway!
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