You know how back in the days when we called them "hobos" how a mark would be made on the curb outside a house that had been "friendly" and offered food or something of help??? Well I think there is a mark on our house now. Last night we came home from a really nice dinner with some colleagues of Chris's and when I came in the kitchen I heard a meow.....opened the door and it was a new cat---a huge yellow tiger tom who had found my food stash for the homeless kitty and scarfed it down. The word is out in the neighborhood evidentally that there is free food at 1 Creekside Court! I liken it to when I used to be responsible for giving out gas vouchers at Epworth----when we got a little bit of money in the account for that and I gave the first one out the phone did not stop ringing all day until the fund was out of money! So I guess the neighborhood (and probably beyond) cats have communicated.......
Rants and ravings, comments on things of importance most likely only to me, details of my adventures in life, pictures of places I go and people I see and much, much more!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My little bubble!

You know I like to think that I am pretty well informed and on top of things but I certainly am not. I live in a bubble. And I don't like it!!! My life is going along just peachy keen and then something happens that brings to my mind that I just am pretty naive about everything that is going on around me. Stopped at the post office this morning to mail a few things and used the handy dandy automated machine thingy since it is usually MUCH faster! A lady was kind of hanging around after I got started and I told her I had just a couple more to go and then she could have it. All she needed to do was weigh a letter and asked if she could do that and I told her that sure she could and if she wanted me to help her I would. Well, she was soo oooo grateful for just that simple little thing and as we walked out together she proceeded to tell me that she had just been laid off and was on a deadline for doing medical stuff and that was what she was mailing out. And that when they were telling her that she was getting laid off she developed the shingles--right then and there. I asked her her name and it is Jane so throw up a prayer for Jane, will ya?
Also my dear friend Teresa from Epworth UMC is on a trip to Mexico ---kind of a neat thing that happened after she went on a mission trip with Samaritan's Purse to deliver shoeboxes. She was asked to come do training for children's ministry which is VERY cool. Well she got there and arrived safe and sound with her luggage, they stopped to do some quick shopping and suitcase and backpack was stolen out of their locked car. Now they left her clothes but took all the materials she had taken for training which I am sure was a lot of stuff. And they took the stuff in her backpack---passport, camera, phone, etc. I am so bummed for her and immediately started praying for her but I would ask that you all cover her in prayer also. She will get her passport okay since she had her id and stuff with her but it will be a lot of work to try to get all her supplies and training materials together in a day or so in a country where it won't be nearly as easy to find stuff. So she is on my mind too. And my bubble expanded a little bit today and I decided that I need to get out of it a join me with special thoughts and prayers for her . She is such a great child of God and has so much to offer.....I am just praying that God uses this somehow someway!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Super Sunday!
I am so happy that we finally have some nice summery weather---seems like a little thing but it has definitely been cooler than usual and dreary so seeing the sun for several days in a row has been wonderful. We even took in the BBQ Bash yesterday in the park which was great----we had some good BBQ (not as good as NC BBQ but still pretty good), heard some bands playing and enjoyed the nice weather again. All in all hopefully a restful weekend for the hubby! We are getting very excited to go see Micah this weekend in Austin---it has been a long time since we have seen him (Christmas) and it will be great to see him, his new place and Austin! More pictures to come!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Ambassador!
I was in the kitchen on the phone with my BFF Ann and I heard a noise outside---lo and behold there was this kitty wandering around. I opened the door and it shot inside and was just so skinny and pathetic but friendly---so I got some leftover shredded chicken and put it in a bowl and it wolfed it down like it had not eaten in weeks. Poor thing. Took it back outside and she just loved on me and purred and got on my lap and licked me ( sounds like Holly) and just was so happy! So later I spent some time on the deck reading with a cat on my lap happily purring and when Chris came home that is how he found me. Surprisingly enough he agreed that we couldnt' let it starve and told me that I needed to go get some food for it!!! is very VOCAL!
We have had the AC turned off since it has been so cool and with our newly installed ceiling fans we haven't needed them but last night we closed up and turned it on because we had a concert outside our window.....meow, meow, meow.... Very loud! But no sign of her this morning so maybe she moved on----hopefully she found her way home and will be happy but it was nice to have a kitty around again. I miss my Buddy and Holly but they are so happy with "Grandpa Skip" and rule the house there and it is hard to think of moving them a couple more times when we are not sure of what our timetable is and it would definitely be easier to sell a house without we will see!!! Anyway, had to share my ambassador story!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
So Aaron is fine---after spending the entire morning in the ER he is back home and fine. Tired but fine. No conclusive results but either he had a nasty gastro related thing or a kidney stone. My suspicion is the kidney stone. I am glad he went in---he has been basically on his own and I think the whole passing out while he was home alone kind of scared him so I am glad he went and got all checked out. I am grateful he is okay and hope that it doesn't happen again!
Also grateful that my suitcase finally showed up today. It looks like it had a party on the way home---my brand new suitcase has rips on the back that go all the way through the outside and the inside lining but all was fine inside so I am grateful for that! Silly how I get attached to the things I had in there!!! But hey---it was my favorite stuff!!! I am filing a report with NorthWest but I don't expect to get anything out of it but at least I can vent!!!
Finally a beautiful day here in Mason City--bright and sunny and beautiful! Makes you feel like actually doing something when it is nice outside!
Also grateful that my suitcase finally showed up today. It looks like it had a party on the way home---my brand new suitcase has rips on the back that go all the way through the outside and the inside lining but all was fine inside so I am grateful for that! Silly how I get attached to the things I had in there!!! But hey---it was my favorite stuff!!! I am filing a report with NorthWest but I don't expect to get anything out of it but at least I can vent!!!
Finally a beautiful day here in Mason City--bright and sunny and beautiful! Makes you feel like actually doing something when it is nice outside!
So Aaron called early this morning--don't worry--I was up---can't sleep well without the man next to me in bed usually! He sounded a little pale and puny if you can sound pale and puny. His buddy Cory was taking him to the ER because he had really bad pains in his side and had passed out. I am afraid he might have inherited my intolerance of blood and other things pain related! Thanks to the modern technology of instant messagine and texting I am being kept up to date with his experiences as he spends the morning in the the ER. They have taken blood, done an EKG and are giving him some IV fluids and keeping him a couple hours while they check him out. Hard to be a mama this far away but I have to trust that they will take care of him, don't I? There is a lesson there-----something about totally giving it all to God. Every little bit of your life including your children. So as of this moment I surrender it all to God---give it all to Him yet once again (because I keep taking it back) and know that His hands are the ones that surround us all and lift us up. Sorry that I keep forgetting that.....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Luggageless once again!
Not sure what my deal is with luggage but once again mine did not accompany me.....I had a flight from Toronto to Minneapolis and then on to Cedar Rapids and my guess is that it never made it on the Cedar Rapids flight. The Delta guy in Cedar Rapids took my info and was kind of sarcastic about the whole thing. I told him that now I could add them to the long list of airlines that has lost my luggage. I repeatedly described my suitcase down to the bright green smiley face tag (thanks, Paula) and the red Queen of the Road tag and told him that I had put my address on those, in the little address card pocket on the back of the suitcase and on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper inside----does it seem like I have lost luggage before??? So far no call, no news but I am hoping tomorrow I will get it. No laundry getting done tonight now---no need!!! Sigh.
I did want to put a few pictures up that Chris actually took when we went to Wye Marsh north of Toronto. He got some really good shots and his were much better than mine so I am going to give him credit and let his photography skills shine! Some are awesome. We had a great time on Sunday hiking around and finding some neat things ! So enjoy!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Traveling North
I am winding down my Canada tour hoo!!! We are going to head north of Toronto this morning and go see some sights outside of the city----there is a big Indy Racing League (IRL) race today so we are NOT going down town like planned. So instead we will head north and see if we can see some pretty sights. After we check out of this hotel! Chris had booked us in a Marriott since they usually have fairly decent beds and nice accomodations but this one was a little sus as they say in Australia! One night they brought Chris' laundry at 10:30 pm (with the Do Not Disturb sign on the door!) and another couple times they ignored the do not disturb also!!! Hmmm. Not sure what is up with that. So we are moving (well me for only one night) to the Holiday Inn that is right next to the plant he works at and the one he usually stays at which will be much nicer and more convenient.
We have had a great weekend--slept in and then explored a great mall yesterday which was laid out just like Concord Mills with the food court in the middle. I found Chris his most comfy pair of sandals yet and I got some new sunnies as my 2 good pairs had bit the dust and I was wearing some I got in Australia which really weren't doing it for me. We had a nice salad dinner and went to see a movie that I would not recommend to anyone!
So off we go in a few minutes. I fly back to Iowa tomorrow and Chris flies back on Friday just in time to celebrate our 27th anniversary on Saturday! Yippee! I have plenty to do when I get home so hopefully those days will pass quickly and Chris will actually be in Mason City for 2 weeks this time. Yea!!! I miss him when he is gone.
So hope to post pictures later if we see anything worth snapping!!!
We have had a great weekend--slept in and then explored a great mall yesterday which was laid out just like Concord Mills with the food court in the middle. I found Chris his most comfy pair of sandals yet and I got some new sunnies as my 2 good pairs had bit the dust and I was wearing some I got in Australia which really weren't doing it for me. We had a nice salad dinner and went to see a movie that I would not recommend to anyone!
So off we go in a few minutes. I fly back to Iowa tomorrow and Chris flies back on Friday just in time to celebrate our 27th anniversary on Saturday! Yippee! I have plenty to do when I get home so hopefully those days will pass quickly and Chris will actually be in Mason City for 2 weeks this time. Yea!!! I miss him when he is gone.
So hope to post pictures later if we see anything worth snapping!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wow---Rude People are Everywhere!

Well I have come to the conclusion that there are rude people everywhere. Or clueless. Or just plain ignorant. Not sure which category this family of 4 fell under but I hope they were not American!
I spent a good bit of time at Ikea this morning---love that store and now I know we have to go to the one in Minneapolis so I can take advantage of some of the great things!!! But....I stopped to get a soda pop (LOL) after I was done and sat at a little table by the entrance/exit to enjoy it. A family of 4 came to sit down at the table next to me , then chose another one because it was "too wobbly". Well, the one little boy had 2 hot dogs and he went and got mustard on them and as he walked back he dropped one--splatto all over the floor. He picked the dog up and walked back to the table to get more money from dad to get another one. I kept waiting for one of the 4 to get up and wipe up the mess on the floor of mustard which was EVERYWHERE! But nooooooooo. Then the dad got up and came back with a wad of napkins---walked right over the mustard!!! No attempt to clean it up! Nada! A mom with 3 little girls was coming over and somehow those 3 little girls avoided the mustard mess tho I am not sure how because they were not looking at all. It was an act of God I think! The mom started over and I intercepted her on the way to get napkins and warned her or else she would have been right in it. I proceeded to clean it up and threw away the napkins and the family of 4 was CLUELESS! Now they could have asked someone from Ikea to clean it up but I did not see any action happening and someone was going to fall on it before too long. Pure laziness? I don't know but certainly not a good lesson to teach your children.
So now I can fixate on something other than the flowers that I ordered for my sister not being delivered on June 30th like they were scheduled to be delivered (they arrived today on the 8th) for a few hours!!! Thought I would share. Just make sure you don't not clean up a hot dog mess around me!!!! You have been warned!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More gloomy weather in Canada but we are still smiling!
Beautiful church in Lac Megantic
Another great day in Canada even tho the weather is not all that great! I am wearing shorts today but I think I am going to regret it! The locals here say that this summer is disappointing and last summer only had a couple weeks at the end of summer that even seemed like summer so not sure what is up with that!
We had a great night last night with a bunch of the guys that Chris was with yesterday. They took us on a boat out on the lake and gave us a great tour of the entire lake and points of interest. It was beautiful---saw a couple of loons and lots of fish feeding. Then we ate dinner and had a lovely dinner--(I had mushroom risotto and Chris had penne pompodora so we were well fed. You know I am all about the food. By the time we were done it was raining so we enjoyed a rainy walk back to the B & B which was nice! Chris is spending the morning on conference calls and answering emails before we check out and I am trying to watch the Michael Jackson memorial on my computer with my headphones on so I don't bother him. The connection is a bit iffy at times so not sure how long I will be able to do this.
It is off to Quebec City to fly to Toronto tonight and then I will be there till Monday when I fly back to Iowa. Chris is staying the rest of that week so we are going to enjoy our time now!
We had a great night last night with a bunch of the guys that Chris was with yesterday. They took us on a boat out on the lake and gave us a great tour of the entire lake and points of interest. It was beautiful---saw a couple of loons and lots of fish feeding. Then we ate dinner and had a lovely dinner--(I had mushroom risotto and Chris had penne pompodora so we were well fed. You know I am all about the food. By the time we were done it was raining so we enjoyed a rainy walk back to the B & B which was nice! Chris is spending the morning on conference calls and answering emails before we check out and I am trying to watch the Michael Jackson memorial on my computer with my headphones on so I don't bother him. The connection is a bit iffy at times so not sure how long I will be able to do this.
It is off to Quebec City to fly to Toronto tonight and then I will be there till Monday when I fly back to Iowa. Chris is staying the rest of that week so we are going to enjoy our time now!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Lac-Megantic here we are!
We left Quebec City this afternoon after driving around the town pretty aimlessly for awhile trying to find a good way to get parked so we could see the Citadel up closer. We finally gave up as it was almost impossible for us to figure it out for some reason and we needed to get on the road. Our GPS was acting like she was on crack---kept saying all these weird things that made no sense so SHE was no help! And then I think she took us the most backwards way to Lac-Megantic that there possibly was but oh well! We made it!
I will post a few more pictures of some of the sights along the way. We checked into our B & B called Manoir d'Orsennens and it is lovely. We have a cute little room on the 2nd floor and we have are all set! Got Chris' clothes all ironed for tomorrow and we walked down by the river to find someplace to eat. Well tonight we ate Mexican! The name of the restaurant did not sound anything like what I thought a Mexican place would sound like but then I don't speak French! Let me know ---it was Citron Verte--which sounds fruity to me!!! Anyway we had a great meal and it was just the right amount and a great price so that made us happy! Now we are pigging out on those little chocolate wafer cookies that taste much better in Canada than in the US!
Tomorrow Chris goes to work and I get to lounge and explore and hopefully it will warm up! It is rather chilly here---about 58 degrees this afternoon when we got in and there is a lovely row of adirondack chairs in the back part of the property overlooking the lake that I would love to just curl up in tomorrow with a good book (or Kindle!) but today I would have needed a blanket and a thermos of coffee to last out there for very long! Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow!
Connection is a bit flaky so I am probably not going to be able to post pictures tonight. But never fear---I will save them up!!!
More food reports!
So you KNOW I am all about the food !! I forgot to tell you where we ate the past couple of nights! I did not take pictures---tho I know that disappoints you to no end! LOL Friday night we both had a hankering for Chinese and stumbled upon a great place called Wongs. I had the best Chinese meal I can remember having in a loooonnnggggg time. In Australia the Chinese food was usually disappointing--they used more chicken thigh meat than white meat in their dishes and it just was not quite the same. Well this place was awesome! And historical to boot! The place was owned and started by Fred Wong who was the first Chinese immigrant to Cananda----he seemed like quite an amazing fellow and the restaurant was busy with both tourists and locals alike so that was another good sign. Fred died in 1998 and we assume that many that we saw were family members who still work there. Anyway kind of weird that we wanted Chinese but great choice and I know it was the best wonton soup I have EVER had.
Last night we both wanted Italian. I guess when you live together as long as we have you are pretty linked with what your tastes are. So we walked to the closest place we could find in the pouring rain and found Le Deuce du Roy which was lovely. I started out with a white pea soup and Chris had the Seafood Chowder and then we both had a delightful dish of penne pasta with sausage. YUMMMMY! Just the right amount and we were good for the night. It is just fun to sample other foods and even if they are common to what we would be able to make ourselves for some reason it tastes better when someone else makes it! Regardless it has been a lovely time of food sampling!!! And more to come!
Sunday we are off to Lac Megantic for a couple days while Chris sees a vendor and then we will be flying to Toronto where he will be working the rest of the week and I will be chilling out ! I am getting very spoiled!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth of July from Quebec City!
Well happy 4th of July to all my followers! Don't think we will see any fireworks here and especially since it is raining (again) and really coming down right now! But we got our exercise in earlier today after breakfast and will venture out for dinner at a cafe later when things dry out!
I am trying to post a variety of pictures for you to see---today we walked in the lower area again and down by the river a bit. There is a beautiful museum close to the hotel called the Civilization Museum and while we have not really toured the inside we toured the beautiful gardens outside and took many pictures of the neat sculptures and gardens. They even had a play area for the children with BLUE sand!!! It was all a little soggy today but neat regardless!
We went to a few shops and Chris found a great pair of sandals (go figure---have to go to Canada to find sandals???) and I am still weighing in on what I want for a souvenir----jewelry or a teapot???? Hmmmmmm. Hard choice!
It was beginning to rain so we headed back to the hotel and found a niche to sit in to read the paper and chill. I think I am just going to live in this hotel. I am getting a little too used to the service. They came and brought us tea and that was really nice! The breakfasts have been incredible and I chose a little bit more wisely today and got eggs and tomatoes and toast instead of the sugar laden french toast! I feel MUCH better today than yesterday!!! Now it is nap time before we go out in the rain and drizzle. Despite the weather it is still a wonderful trip and Chris outdid himself getting it all arranged for our anniversary celebration! He is treating me like a queen!!! LOL
Friday, July 3, 2009
Quebec City--here we are!
We are in Quebec City and having a blast!!! We arrived on Thursday after a day of being in airports with airline computers being down and waiting around but we made it! It took about an hour to get through customs which was kind of weird but we were the very last people in line and the customs guys were very chatty with each person so I guess that is why! We got our rental car and thank goodness for GPS!!! Found our way to the old part of the city to our hotel --Auberge Saint-Antoine. This is a wonderful place with a lot of history to it! The hotel is built on the site where the Daphine battery was in 1709 and they have had archeologists involved in the building, etc. and recovered over 5000 artifacts which is amazing to me. They have many of them on display throughout the hotel and we are in the La Chambre Des Lumieres room which has a couple of artifacts on display. This morning after a delicious breakfast at Panache we had a private tour of the hotel by Martin and learned a great deal about the history of this great place.
It has been a rainy rainy dreary day but we managed to make the most of it after our tour we set out to find the Museum du Forte which we eventually found but as it was funded by the family that owns the hotel we are staying at it was part of our package. It was a diorama and a half hour presentation of the history of Quebec City---funny how their version is a tad different from the version that we studied in history---basically that the colonies were the aggressors. As with anything the story changes with who is telling it!!! But it was informative and it was a great way to get some of the local history. We walked around aimlessly for quite awhile---found a nice little place for lunch and were amazed at how inexpensive our lunch was!!! We had gone all out last night for dinner and eaten at the Panache in the hotel here and had one of the priciest meals we have ever had but it was worth it!!!! I had a starter of emu followed by Atlantic Halibut for a main. Chris started with Prince Edward Island lobster followed by the Atlantic Scallops. We had a cold cucumber lobster mango soup for a starter also and yummy bread. but of course the best was the Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate followed by even more chocolate with the bill!!! I did not take pictures, should have because the presentation was fabulous!!!
It is a magical place and we are enjoying ourselves immensely!!! We ended up going to the Bodies Exhibition this afternoon--always wanted to see it and never had so we saw it in the French version (thank goodness our audio tour was english) and it was very cool. Very amazing and I would recommend to anyone to go see it if you have a chance even if you are not a medical type person!!! Way amazing!
Well Chris is itching to go get some supper----I have been on a sugar and caffeine high all day so not sure what I really need to have at this point but hey----gotta go find some adventure ! Will blog more and post more pictures later!
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