Our container arrived on Friday amidst a lot of activity in the neighborhood! I was sooo excited! Not that I wasn't living quite all right without "stuff" but there was just an excitement about seeing the stuff we picked out in Australia arrive and transform our home here in Iowa into a more comfortable place! Kind of like it got rid of the bad memories of the renters when it all got moved in---kind of!
The three movers were great, even moved some of the stuff around for me that we were needing to go to the basement so I was happy about that. Somehow some of the boxes were wet so when the container was all unloaded we discovered this teeny tiny hole in the top corner of it---looks like maybe it got punctured in off loading it or something because from the amount of damage it couldn't have happened when it was on the sea. The only thing that really got ruined was a box of Chris's books that we shipped over that he had never even really opened!!! So he isn't too concerned, thank goodness.
The first thing off you can see was the grill---I think it is on the agenda today to grill out! Gotta pick up my cushions from Walmart before we can really sit on the deck----those disappeared with the renters (well 5 of the 6 did) so I had to get some new ones. I am determined this summer to sit outside on the deck alot and use it!!!
As I said there was a flurry of activity in the neighborhood. Now mind you we only have 5 houses on our cul de sac. The truck with the container was blocking half of the road--still room to get around it but not much. The neighbors next door to us were having a garage sale (of course we did not know that!!) so the cars were attempting to come and go around the truck and other cars. Then the next neighbors are getting married this weekend ( Iowa has passed that same sex marriage law so they are finally going to be able to get married ) so they had all kinds of landscaping trucks, cleaning people, etc. in the cul de sac. It was CRAZY! They were already all there I think by the time our truck came and I just did not really anticipate all this going on. Of course I had to stay out and do the inventory (easiest one ever!!!) and helped them unwrap all the stuff that was wrapped so that was kind of crazy in itself. Chris breezed in for about an hour (lots going on at work since the guys were in from Sweden) and helped them figure out his desk which was what I was not sure about.
So we got all the furniture pretty much settled and slept on our Australian mattress and our favorite pillows last night and it was HEAVEN! I cleaned all the furniture and have the kitchen almost all unpacked ---it is sure easier when you don't have so much "stuff" to put away. Of course i have doubles of a lot of things now so some is going to Aaron and some to Goodwill. Life is good. We are lounging a bit this morning and then will get at it and get as much done today as we can in the area of unpacking.
There is something to be said about just feeling like you are surrounded by the things that you love----I never thought I was much of a materialistic girl but I realize that yes---I do enjoy comfort. Nice leather loungy furniture and bathrooms with no frogs or creepy crawlies to worry about!!! And a fabulous husband who makes my life very comfortable!!! Life is good!
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