Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yippee Skippee!

I just realized that I kind of posted these pictures backwards! Ah well. You would think I would remember how to post these after doing it for over a year!

Our container arrived on Friday amidst a lot of activity in the neighborhood! I was sooo excited! Not that I wasn't living quite all right without "stuff" but there was just an excitement about seeing the stuff we picked out in Australia arrive and transform our home here in Iowa into a more comfortable place! Kind of like it got rid of the bad memories of the renters when it all got moved in---kind of!

The three movers were great, even moved some of the stuff around for me that we were needing to go to the basement so I was happy about that. Somehow some of the boxes were wet so when the container was all unloaded we discovered this teeny tiny hole in the top corner of it---looks like maybe it got punctured in off loading it or something because from the amount of damage it couldn't have happened when it was on the sea. The only thing that really got ruined was a box of Chris's books that we shipped over that he had never even really opened!!! So he isn't too concerned, thank goodness.

The first thing off you can see was the grill---I think it is on the agenda today to grill out! Gotta pick up my cushions from Walmart before we can really sit on the deck----those disappeared with the renters (well 5 of the 6 did) so I had to get some new ones. I am determined this summer to sit outside on the deck alot and use it!!!

As I said there was a flurry of activity in the neighborhood. Now mind you we only have 5 houses on our cul de sac. The truck with the container was blocking half of the road--still room to get around it but not much. The neighbors next door to us were having a garage sale (of course we did not know that!!) so the cars were attempting to come and go around the truck and other cars. Then the next neighbors are getting married this weekend ( Iowa has passed that same sex marriage law so they are finally going to be able to get married ) so they had all kinds of landscaping trucks, cleaning people, etc. in the cul de sac. It was CRAZY! They were already all there I think by the time our truck came and I just did not really anticipate all this going on. Of course I had to stay out and do the inventory (easiest one ever!!!) and helped them unwrap all the stuff that was wrapped so that was kind of crazy in itself. Chris breezed in for about an hour (lots going on at work since the guys were in from Sweden) and helped them figure out his desk which was what I was not sure about.

So we got all the furniture pretty much settled and slept on our Australian mattress and our favorite pillows last night and it was HEAVEN! I cleaned all the furniture and have the kitchen almost all unpacked ---it is sure easier when you don't have so much "stuff" to put away. Of course i have doubles of a lot of things now so some is going to Aaron and some to Goodwill. Life is good. We are lounging a bit this morning and then will get at it and get as much done today as we can in the area of unpacking.

There is something to be said about just feeling like you are surrounded by the things that you love----I never thought I was much of a materialistic girl but I realize that yes---I do enjoy comfort. Nice leather loungy furniture and bathrooms with no frogs or creepy crawlies to worry about!!! And a fabulous husband who makes my life very comfortable!!! Life is good!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm Here---I Really Am!

Good grief---It has been simply forever since I have blogged! What is my problem?? Could it be that I was on the road for 3 weeks???The good news is that I now have my car, was able to visit with Aaron and all my NC friends, helped my sissy pack up a bit, spent some time with my mom and scanned a ton of old pictures and then ended the trip with some time with my father in law, brother in law and sister in law and family! Lovely trip but good to be home with the husband now!!!

Today our container is supposed to arrive----we will see. They did not call me yesterday to confirm like they promised they would so a quick phone call after 8 this morning will hopefully confirm that the container made it to Cedar Rapids and it is on its way to Mason City this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed since we moved furniture around this morning before Chris left for work to accomodate the new stuff!!! I can't wait!!! It will be nice to have some things that we picked out special in Australia in our home here!

Some of you will remember the story of the 2 ducks which I named Henry and Maude that visited our pool numerous times when we lived in North Carolina. Wellll......I think they found me again! Yesterday I heard a sound and looked out the window and there they were---waddling through the back yard!!! I quick snapped a picture but Maude must have been going to Kmart to shop or something as she was on the move and Henry was having a hard time keeping up! I love those ducks!!! Think it is them??? I would like to think so!

Well I need to get the day rolling but don't worry---I am back and I will be keeping you enthralled with my Iowa adventures now!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thunderstorms?? Ah Come On!!!

Blah---the weather is stinky today!!! Paula goes to the doctor and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will put some kind of walking cast on her ankle or something--this not being able to put any weight on it is really hard when you are trying to get packed up for a move!!! She has the butt crawl backwards up the stairs perfected by now but I know she would rather not have to live her life that way for too much longer! I think she is handling things much better than I would be---I would be whining and complaining probably and a real pain about things!!!

We are planning to go to the Highlands (close to Wheeling, I believe) shopping with her best friend from grade school afterwards so that will be fun!!! Not that I need much but I do have a couple things that I need to "replace" that I might be able to find there. But it looks like it is going to be thunderstormy all day----it isn't now but it is windy and gray outside. Paula says that when they meet to go shopping it is always raining so I guess things are normal!

We were packing up some picture albums and got sucked into looking at some of them and I took a bunch to scan and keep ---I hardly have any from when I was growing up so I told my mom that I wanted to look through hers too when I go there and pick some out. I am sure hers are in much better order than mine are at this point!!! Mine are a disaster but that is a project for the long cold winter if we are still in Iowa which I imagine we will still be!

This has been a great trip and I have loved being with my sister! Makes me realize how much I have missed my family and I wasn't even gone that long!!! But they are important to me and it makes me happy that I can help out a bit!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Still here!

Not a lot of news to report that is thrilling or spine tingling but I am having a great time "on the road"!! After helping Aaron move from an apartment to a townhouse in Raleigh, doing a bit of cleaning for him and shopping to fill his fridge and pantry I headed to Freeport (Ohio) to visit my sister and brother in law. We have had a great time so far---my mom was also here for Mother's Day and my one brother was able to come for the afternoon so that was great.

The primary focus this week is to try to get as much packing done as we can. Paula is going to be moving to pastor a new church after annual conference in June and unfortunately she also broke her ankle so she is dealing with trying to do all this stuff while on crutches which is not easy. Carl has been a great help but I am sure he is tired of being the gofer by now so I am trying to help out. We did get a lot done yesterday so I think she is feeling better about it. It is just kind of overwhelming---believe me---I know!

The weather in Ohio has been a little cooler than I thought it would be---wearing jeans and sweatshirts still so I will be glad when it warms up a bit. The weather in North Carolina was pretty nice tho it was cloudy and rained a bit while I was there which is okay---they need it!!

Enough of the weather report---I am just enjoying being with family!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy in North Carolina!

The Epworth Gang!!! And Baby Joe!!!
So for those of you that can still read my blog (and want to!!!) I am currently in the great state of North Carolina. Flew into Raleigh on Sunday and had a fantasic seat mate on the Minn to Charlotte leg!!! Sometimes I find that God just puts people in my path that just bless me and this was definitely the case with this woman!!! We talked the entire flight and exchanged emails, phone numbers and I think our paths are going to cross again someday!!!

Aaron picked his old mom up from the airport and after a quick stop at the grocery store we went to the apt. and I cooked dinner for he and 3 of his friends which was fun. I made a boatload and they didn't eat nearly enough so he will be eating leftovers all week I bet! He is going to be moving to a house later this week so I am going back to rent the Uhaul (as he said he is using my "over 23ness" ) and help with the move and the cleaning which should be GREAT fun!!! As if I have not had enough moving lately!!! LOL

I drove to Concord on Monday and had lunch with some of the Epworth staff--saw a few favorite folks who stopped in the office while I was there and just had a great time with my friends from there. Things are green and pretty around here and it is a nice change from the Iowa landscape which hasn't really started to green up quite yet.

Dinner at Jeffreys with my good friends from Mooresville and we made the place come alive with laughter which was a good thing!!! I haven't laughed that much for a long time and it was good medicine! Today I met a couple friends for lunch at a beautiful tea room in Davidson---George was best man in our wedding and it was great to catch up with them since I had not gotten to see hem in January when I was back. A quick run to Walmart to get some stuff for cleaning Aaron's place and now I am waiting for my dinner date with Ann!!! Whew! It has been rainy and dreary today but that is okay---it is still warm !!!

Chris is in Missouri for most of the week so we are catching each other when we can!!! Our lives are anything but dull right now!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Packing once again!!!

Chris's new ride! (and yes--that is Cracker Barrel in the background...)

Well the suitcase is packed again! And as usual I have an overstuffed suitcase!! just never know what you are going to need! My trip is getting really long and it is not quite what I wanted to do at this point but it is what makes sense so off I go! Chris and I are going to spend the day in Minneapolis and spend the night at some swanky hotel he found so we don't have to get up before the crack of dawn to drop me off. That makes me happy. You know I need my beauty sleep!!! And I even get to drive his car!!!

So going to fly into Raleigh where my darling youngest son will escort me from the airport to apartment number 1. Spend the night there, cook a nice meal for he and all his buddies who have been so great to him this year helping him out with moving, apartments, getting things done for him while he was in Australia, etc. Also see his roommate, Thom, who became another son to us when they stayed with us in Australia. That will be fun... then off to Mooresville on Monday (let Aaron get on with the finals studying) and lunch with my Epworth pals. Staying in Race City, USA for a couple nights, spending time with my bestie Ann (that would be Original Ann, not Australian Anne or English Ann) and time with other friends also. Then back to Raleigh on Wednesday to help Aaron move into apartment number 2 on Thursday and Friday. What that will entail will be using my "over 23ness" to rent a truck to move them and all their worldly possessions, cleaning, situating , etc. It should be fun and I am happy to be able to do that. I got to help Micah with one move and now I get to help Aaron!! Yippee.

Then Saturday it is off to the metroplis of Freeport, Ohio to go with my sister and mom to some Mother/DAughter/Sister thingy at one of her 3 churches and hang out with my sissy for as long as she and Carl can stand me. Actually I am hoping to be able to actually be of some help to her since she broke her ankle 2 weeks ago and is moving in June and has to get some stuff done!!! Then off to Sebring, Ohio to see my mama for a bit and covort with the retirees at Copeland Oaks. Then off to Lima to see Chris' dad, brother and sister and family and let us not forget my kitties!!! Buddy and Holly turn 2 on May 7th and I have missed half of their lives!!!! But they are being well taken care of and one of these days I will take them back!!!

Chris will come on Memorial Day weekend and then we will drive my car back together---the whole reason for this trip was to get my car but there is a lot going on in the middle!!! But it is all good---I miss everyone a lot and it will be great to see them all! I am excited but sad to leave Chris for that long and also there is much to be done on the house here but I guess it will wait till I get back!

So there is my itinerary for anyone who cares!!! One parting thought----my fortune cookie last night said " A short stranger will appear in your life soon and bring you many blessings". So I am waiting.....