Thursday, April 9, 2009

One day at a time!

So just when you think your life is going along famously things kind of start happening to put you back into reality and put things in perspective! Just had to relate my morning the other day! We are in a hotel till we can get back into our house here in Mason City and have a rental car for me until I can get back to North Carolina to pick up mine which my dear darling youngest son has been keeping for me after the dear darling oldest son got a company car and didn't need mine any more. (Are you still following???) Well, the rental car we got was leaking oil ---gushing actually to the point that the Beverly Hillbillies theme song was playing every time I got into the SUV!!! So I called the rental place and they said they would just tow a new one to me----well--considering that we got the car at the airport in Minneapolis I knew that was going to take awhile which it did but no worries. The lady asked when I called roadside assistance if I was in a safe place. It kind of made me laugh because I was at our house and I am not sure that it is really safe at this point!! Just kidding but I am sure glad she asked!!! 4 1/2 hours later my replacement was delivered and the oil geyser was no more.

As I was going into the hotel and up to our room I had my phone in one hand, backpack on, purse over the shoulder and my room key in my rang and I jugggled the phone and room key as I got on the elevator and slicker than snot dropped my room key card (probably made by Assa!) . So you know that tiny little space between the elevator and floor??? Well that is where it went. Straight down there. Sigh. So I turned around and sat down in the lobby for a bit! But you know what---through it all I am still smiling! When things look pretty glum (as they have this week) I keep remembering how much I am loved, how great my family is, how awesome of a husband I have, how many friends and loved ones I have and most of all that I have a God who will never leave me---EVER! How cool is that??? Easter is just around the corner and even tho we will not be in our house for that probably I am happy that we are back here where we can properly celebrate and ackowledge the miracle of Easter!!!

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