So my darling husband got me the best surprise for my birthday this year--a Kindle 2!!! Now to those of you who are not up on the latest electronics this is an electronic device that allows you to wirelessly download (or upload---I am never sure!) thousands and thousands of books to it and then you can just read them all there! It is really lightweight--less than a single paperback---and the convenience of it is awesome. He totally surprised me. The one I have is on the right in the picture and of course he got me a RED case for it. I love it already! It is going to be so perfect for traveling! And you know I seem to be on the road a lot!!! So the first thing I got was the Bible (the version I got was even free!) and then I have added several other books that will be good----along with devotionals and blogs and newspapers and magazines--the sky is the limit but of course you still have to pay for stuff---but it is much cheaper than buying the actual book. I love the feel of books in my hands so I was not sure I would like this but I do. You can do a lot of neat stuff with it that I am going to work on figuring out----I bought "Kindle for Dummies" so it is walking me through how to check my email, etc.
The one minute prompt today is "swine flu" and boy----is that something to be thinking about! When we flew back from LA to Minneapolis (was it three weeks ago?? Seems like forever for some reason) there were tons of families coming back from vacations in Mexico with hacking coughing kids. ...so I wonder if some of them were in the beginning stages--who knows? Anyway I have my handy dandy hand sanitizer in my purse and all over the house, have my Airborne for my airplane trip on Sunday and I am all set!!! Flu go away!