HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day! Since our plans got changed we got up and went into Townsville to see a movie. Did it right this time---printed the e-tix on line so we didn't have to stand in the queue waiting to get tickets. The movie started at 10:15 am which was unbelievable early but it gave us the entire rest of the day to do other stuff! We went to see "Gran Torino" with Clint Eastwood and it is now my favorite movie-----not sure why it hit me so hard but I really thought it had a great message and of course it had Clint. What a guy!!! It is a story about a relationship that his character has with a Hmong family/ neighborhood and has a lot of great messages in it so I would most definitely recommend it. Some of the language is a little rough but then I can usually block that out if the message is good!!!
Found a nice cafe called Lukebean and had a nice light lunch after the movie before going to the shopping center to pick up a couple of items. Lots of folks out doing Valentine's shopping I guess. Went to several different places and got several things that we needed before heading back to the house. We had a late dinner of leftovers---saving the big nice juicy steak dinner for Sunday when we hope we will be a little hungrier----and popped in yet another Clint Eastwood movie--this time it was "Unforgiven" which we decided we had never seen though we thought we had. Another great movie with good things in it. I guess it is our movie weekend.
On the family front---Micah has found an apartment in downtown Austin and will be moving there within a week or so, Aaron had someone back into his beloved car but is getting a new bumper out of it and I think has that all handled so that is good. They are both doing well---Micah is very excited about the move to Austin and the new territory and job---he should do well. Now to get my car that he was using up to NC so Aaron can keep it till we decide what to do with it!!! Aaron is probably going to Florida to pick it up and drive it back---he is always a very good car person---and he likes to drive so it helps us that he is willing to do this. And Chris is having jaw problems---not quite sure what happened because I swear I didn't hit him but his jaw seems to be out of whack. Very strange......and painful. So we might be finding someone to look at that this week----it is a weird thing indeed. And I have decided that I am suffering from osteomildewsis...........................tho there was no rain yesterday it is still damp, damp, damp....