Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10 Days and Counting Down!!!

Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?????????????????

Yep---we are down to 10 days till we fly back to the US for Christmas! I simply cannot wait but I have a lot to get done here before we go!!! Or so I think I have a lot to get done! In actuality I have very little to do compared to most of you!!!

Good news---Aaron's new (used) car is in Raleigh so hopefully if we can get all the paperwork done and check delivered he will be able to pick it up as soon as he and Thom fly in. He is madly trying to locate furniture to furnish their apartment on line and that is proving to be a little difficult. It will all come together for him but it sure would have been nice if we could have given him some of our stuff from the house in Iowa to get started with. He is basically starting out with nothing furniture wise so that means bed, living room stuff, lamps, desk, table, chairs, etc. I have full confidence he will bring it all together and he certainly has done all of this on his own so all we have to do is sit back and transfer the money!! It has been so great to have him here.

I must admit I did pretty much nothing of substance yesterday but watched tv!!! Found all these cool shows to watch now and even found Rachael Ray (tho it was a show from February I don't care!). We are now going to totally veg out!!! Well maybe not! I still have to figure out how to work the Mystar thing which is the dvr thingy but I can conquer that today!!! It was just so nice to be able to see more than 5 channels of stuff. We get CNN and ESPN too so we hope we will be able to watch some Carolina basketball if we can figure out the programming schedule!!! Life is good.

Today we are going to chill out at home again--probably will head into Townsville tomorrow to load up on the last of the souvenirs to take back and maybe hit The Strand for some swimming in the stinger enclosures. When i walked this morning there was a couple on the beach who struck up a conversation with me---they wanted to know if it was safe to swim and I told them that the locals did not so I wouldn't. They are from New Zealand and were camping out in their car in the little camping area and they really wanted to swim but were scared of the jellyfish. I figure if the locals don't swim there now there is good reason. No way I would risk it!!! We talked for about 10 minutes--nice couple and I hope they find a safe place to swim today!!!

Not much else to report as of this moment---oh I got a lovely letter from my friend Mary from Epworth! And how come it only costs you guys 94 cents to send me a letter and it costs me 2.05???? The exchange rate isn't THAT bad yet! LOL

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