I don't think I am QUITE ready for Master Chef...
Sunday Lunch: grilled chicken with salsa, grilled pineapple, broccoli and seasoned potatoes......Great lunch but not quite as pleasing looking on the plate as they require for my new favorite tv show---Master Chef
We are spending a leisurely Sunday----we were going to go to church and then Chris bailed out on me....not quite sure what his problem was going this morning but I didn't want to go on my own so we took a long walk on the beach and he "preached" to me to make me feel like I had been at church.......as only Chris can do! Seriously, we will get there---I think he just is really exhausted mentally and physically by Sundays and wants to kind of 'cocoon" after the week and I can understand. I guess we will have to buckle down and get with it!!!!
I just heard an ice cream truck speeding down the street!! Now how anyone could get out there and get ice cream when they are going that fast is beyond me!!! Very strange ...
Chris was so happy last night----part of his reason of dragging around today as he stayed up late last night watching dvd's. We had gotten a couple new ones while we were out shopping and he got the second season of the HBO series "Rome" and he loved that show so he just kept putting discs in until he was done. I left after disc 3 I think---a little too bloody in some parts for me!!! I went and read! Anyway, he escaped our 5 channels of tv and got to watch something he liked for a bit!
This is really boring and I am sorry----I am going to go take the traditional Sunday afternoon nap and maybe I will be more inspired then!!!
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