We have had a wonderful weekend!!! Chris was supposed to get in around 3 on Friday but of course the flight from Toronto was 2 hours late making him miss his connection. It just hardly ever works to fly out of or back into Mason City! There are always delays and cancellations and they book you on the next flight to Mason City which is usually not until the next afternoon. So he ended up waiting to get his luggage, renting a car and driving back from Minneapolis. What a drain but at least he made it! We have spent a weekend totally with each other which was needed after 3 weeks apart (even tho he came to Lakeside and Lima it wasn't really a lot of time together!). We went to see "Pelham 123" which was very good---love John Travolta as an evil guy with a tattoo!!! Ate a yummy chicken dish I made with fresh herbs from my little herb garden and just had a great time!
Today we lazed around and then headed to Clear Lake to have a picnic at the State Park there. We talked about how the last time we had gone there Chris had gotten a call that his mom had passed away so we kind of wanted to go and make some happier memories there. We unpacked our lunch by the little beach and it was really blowy!!! I mean to the point you had to hold your plate the entire time. Our chicken and pasta salad took on a bit of a gritty taste....but it was still good and fun and nice to be outside. After that we went to a little garden in Clear Lake that we have always wanted to stop at to try out my new camera that Chris got me for an early anniversary present. It is RED! The selling point! I need a lot of practice with it for sure but it did pretty well and we were amazed at how many people were there in this little garden. It is a beautiful place and everything was flowering and so pretty and it made me really want to have a really nice flower garden in the next place. I just have things in pots here since I really don't want to invest a lot into this yard but the next place I hope we will be for awhile ...we shall see!!!
Anyway, great weekend and it is going to be hard to have Chris go back to work tomorrow! Finally getting my windshield replaced tomorrow and then we are off to Canada on Thursday so I will be using my camera and pretending to know French! HA! That will be interesting as I know none whatsoever!!! I may be eating a lot of baguettes---I can say that!